Air-conditioning - Konvekta, Webasto, Sutrak, Hispacold, UWE

Carrier Sutrak air conditioning filter 757005019

Carrier Sutrak air conditioning filter 757005019

Variant: NEW Product number: 757005019   Application: in bus air conditioning and other commercial vehicles   Technical data:   Description Carrier Sutrak Height (h) 230 mm Diameter Ø 76 mm A 3/8" 24UNF - 2B Inlet thread 5/8" 18UNF - 2A Outlet thread 5/8" 18UNF - 2A Filter exit Male flare G6 x Male flare G6 ...

net: €93.75
(gross: €115.31 )
Termostat  SUTRAK  CARRIER  typ 238P  26,09,03,007

Termostat SUTRAK CARRIER typ 238P 26,09,03,007

Product: NEW Product number:, 260903007,, 88-83-05-00001-00 SUTRAK CARRIER air conditioning thermostat type 238P with catalog number 26,09,03,007 Application - in air conditioning for buses and commercial vehicles...

net: €91.85
(gross: €112.98 )
Axial Fan Spal VA22-BP11/C-50A

Axial Fan Spal VA22-BP11/C-50A

Product: NEW Product number: VA22-BP11/C-50A ( 3010.0379) Feature: SUCTION fan Axial fan from SPAL. Technical data: Fan diameter 167 mm Supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=2.3A Max efficiency 510 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life  ...

Axial Fan SPAL VA22-BP11/C-50S

Axial Fan SPAL VA22-BP11/C-50S

Product: NEWProduct number: VA22-BP11/C-50S - (3010.0380)Feature: pressing fan Axial fan from SPAL. Technical data: Fan diameter 167 mm Supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=2.5A Max efficiency 520 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life Detailed data in the attachment!  ...

Konvekta H14001058 air conditioning filter

Konvekta H14001058 air conditioning filter

Variant: NEW Product number: H14001058 Application: in bus air conditioning and other commercial vehicles Other numbers: 0008359947, 0028350647, 1101972A, 500021220, 8359947, 83779536501, A0008359947, A0028350647, H14001058, H240005834 Technical data:   Description Carrier Sutrak Inlet 7/8" 14UNF - O.R. Lenght 232 mm Outlet 7/8" 14UNF - O.R. Height (h) 232 mm Diameter 75 mm Inlet thread 7/8" 14UNF - 2A O.R. Outlet thread 7/8" 14UNF - 2A O.R. Thread 5/8" SAE - 22,18mm Øe Capacity 1024 cc Filter exit Male x Male Type 135.616 / 835.616 Multiplex HM 305 Body lenght 175 mm ...

net: €90.63
(gross: €111.47 )
Fan 008-B45-2D

Fan 008-B45-2D

Product: NEW Product number:008-B45-2D Double centrifugal fan from SPAL. Technical data: supply voltage U=24V DC max efficiency 400 m3/h max current consumption I=5.7A long service life dimensions: base: 119x77 height: 113.1mm total length: 119mm total width: 77mm Detailed data in the attachment!...

net: €89.35
(gross: €109.90 )
Axial Fan H11001280 Konvekta

Axial Fan H11001280 Konvekta

Product: NEWProduct number: H11-001-280, (H11001280) KONVEKTA fan with catalog number H11-001-280 - 24 V forcing Other numbers:Spal - VA03BP70LL37SKonvekta - H11001280Mercedes - A0038356401, A0008384106Webasto - 92333B Detailed data in the attachment!  ...

net: €89.12
(gross: €109.62 )
Sutrak expansion valve 14-00344-02

Sutrak expansion valve 14-00344-02

Product: NEW Product number:  14-00344-02, 140034402, 88-62-07-00049-00 Sutrak air conditioning expansion valve Sutrak part number 14-00344-02, 068H8804,  4.6 TR134A ORFS Application: air conditioning and air vents buses Iveco, Man, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Volvo, Jelcz, Autosan, Solaris, Neoplan, Solbus......

net: €88.58
(gross: €108.95 )
Single radial fan 007-B42-32D

Single radial fan 007-B42-32D

Product: NEWProduct number : 007-B42-32D Single radial fan SPAL. Techniacl data: supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=9,5A Max capacity 810 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life Reduced level of noise size: base: 175x120 high: 172 overall length: 175 overall width: 194 3rd stage speed governor/li> ...

net: €87.96
(gross: €108.19 )
Filtr klimatyzacji Aurora 454-100-0007

Filtr klimatyzacji Aurora 454-100-0007

Wariant : NOWYNumer wyrobu - 454-100-0007Filtr  klimatyzacji  AURORA 454-100-0007 5/8 18UNZastosowanie klimatyzacje  autobusowe...

net: €87.96
(gross: €108.19 )
Air conditioning temperature sensor. Sutrak 26,09,03,817

Air conditioning temperature sensor. Sutrak 26,09,03,817

Product: NEW   Product number: 26,09,03,817, 260903817, 26/09/03.817, 88-83-06-00009-00   Sutrak air conditioning temperature sensor Sutrak catalog number 26,09,03,817   Application: air conditioning and air vents buses Iveco, Man, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Volvo, Jelcz, Autosan, Solaris, Neoplan, Solbus......

net: €87.36
(gross: €107.45 )
Filtr klimatyzacji 60652230/1

Filtr klimatyzacji 60652230/1

Wariant: NOWY Nr wyrobu: 60652230/1 Zastosowanie: w klimatyzacjach autobusowych i innych pojazdach użytkowych Inne numery: 240510045 Dane techniczne: Description Oil Separetor Inlet 3/4"16UNF O.R. Outlet 3/4"16UNF O.R. Height (h) 140 mm Diameter Ø 77 mm A 1/4" SAE Inlet thread 3/4" 16UNF - 2A O.R. Outlet thread 3/4" 16UNF - 2A O.R. Capacity 0,40 lt Filter exit Male x Male ...

net: €83.75
(gross: €103.01 )
SUTRAK air conditioning filter 24,06,01,021

SUTRAK air conditioning filter 24,06,01,021

Product: NEW Product number:, 240601021,, 88-62-09-00025-00   CARRIER SUTRAK air conditioning filter with catalog number 24,06,01,021 Application - in air conditioning for buses and commercial vehicles...

net: €83.12
(gross: €102.24 )
Axial fan VA03-BP70/LL-37S

Axial fan VA03-BP70/LL-37S

  Axail-flow fan. New version of fan desigantion VA03-BP1-37S 3010.0164 Technical data: fan's diameter 280 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=8,7A Max wydajność 2510 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...

net: €83.06
(gross: €102.16 )
Filtr klimatyzacji 60652128

Filtr klimatyzacji 60652128

Wariant: NOWY Nr wyrobu: 60652128 Zastosowanie: w klimatyzacjach autobusowych i innych pojazdach użytkowych Dane techniczne: Description Fluid separator 4 lt Inlet 7/8" 14UNF - 2A Outlet 7/8" 14UNF - 2A Height (h) 490 mm Diameter Ø 101 mm A 1"-14UNS ORS Inlet thread 7/8" 14UNF - 2A Outlet thread 7/8" 14UNF - 2A Capacity 4 Lt Filter exit Male x Male ...

net: €83.00
(gross: €102.09 )
Fan motor 24VDC SUTRAK 28,02,10,015-01

Fan motor 24VDC SUTRAK 28,02,10,015-01

Product: NEW Product number:, 280210015-01, 28.02,10,015-01, 88-69-03-00001-00 24VDC air conditioning fan motor SUTRAK 28/02/10.015, 28/02/10.015-01...

net: €81.07
(gross: €99.72 )
Sutrak fan motor 28,02,10,015-01

Sutrak fan motor 28,02,10,015-01

Product: NEW Product number:, 280210015, 28.02,10,015-01, 88-69-03-00001-00 EBERSPAECHER - SUTRAK Sutrak 24V electric blower motor - 28/02/10/015-01 Application: Sutrak air conditioning Dimensions: - engine body diameter: 76 mm - total length: 160 mm - axle diameter: 8 mm - axis length from the brush holder side: 30.72 mm ...

net: €81.07
(gross: €99.72 )
Aurora Blower Motor 4111210244

Aurora Blower Motor 4111210244

Product: New Product number: 411-121-0244 12 V heater and blower motor from AURORA part no. 411-121-0244, 6402061E Technical data:    - operating voltage: U = 12 VDC   - total length: 220 mm   - body diameter: 60 mm   - axle diameter: 8 mm...

net: €79.85
(gross: €98.21 )
Czujnik wysokiego cisnienia klimatyzacji 1102910B

Czujnik wysokiego cisnienia klimatyzacji 1102910B

Product: NewProduct number:  1102910BInne  numery - 061F9029; ACB-2UC31W;  Zastosowanie - w klimatyzacjach - KONVEKTA, WEBASTO, SUTRAK...

net: €79.81
(gross: €98.17 )
Czujnik niskiego ciśnienia klimatyzacji 1102911C

Czujnik niskiego ciśnienia klimatyzacji 1102911C

Product: NewProduct number:  1102911CInne  numery - 061F9032, ACB-2UC32W, H11-000-315, 1100881A, 24762B, 42471042 Zastosowanie - w klimatyzacjach - KONVEKTA, WEBASTO, SUTRAK...

net: €79.81
(gross: €98.17 )
Sutrak fan motor 28,02,10,016

Sutrak fan motor 28,02,10,016

Product: NEW Product number:, 280210016, 28.02,10,016-01, 88-69-03-00002-00 EBERSPAECHER - SUTRAK Sutrak 24V electric blower motor - 28/02/10/016-01 Application: Sutrak air conditioning Dimensions: - engine body diameter: 76 mm - total length: 160 mm - axle diameter: 8 mm - axis length from the brush holder side: 30.72 mm ...

net: €78.56
(gross: €96.63 )
Filtr klimatyzacji 60652176/1

Filtr klimatyzacji 60652176/1

Wariant: NOWY Nr wyrobu: 60652176/1 Zastosowanie: w klimatyzacjach autobusowych i innych pojazdach użytkowych Dane techniczne: Description Oil Separetor Inlet 7/8"14UNF O.R. Outlet 7/8"14UNF O.R. Height (h) 166 mm Diameter Ø 77 mm A 1/4" SAE Inlet thread 7/8" 14UNF - 2A O.R. Outlet thread 7/8" 14UNF - 2A O.R. Capacity 0,41 lt Filter exit Male x Male ...

net: €77.50
(gross: €95.32 )