Ogrzewanie Sirokko 268.03 24V po odbudowie
Wariant: RegeneracjaNumer wyrobu: 268.03 Ogrzewanie Sirokko 268.03 24V - wariant bez zwrotu starej sztuki Zastosowanie: pojazdy autobusowe Autosan, Jelcz, Ikarus...
Glow pin AT /24/32 ; 26751A, 1322432A
Product: NEW Product number: 26751A; 1322432A 24V glow stick for Air-Top AT 24/32 heating units, catalog number 26751A; Application: military and commercial vehicles...
Nagrzewnica wodna Helios 4000 22.2282.10.5200 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 282105200, 22.2282.10.5200Nagrzewnica wodna Helios 4000numer katalogowy:, 22 2282 10 5200, 222282105200 Napiecie 24 V Zalety wymienników ciepła Eberspächer: uniwersalne zastosowanie niewielkie wymiary duża wydajność cieplna niski poziom hałasu wysoka jakość (ISO 9002) niezawodność bezpieczeństwo potwierdzone znakiem "B" Zastosowanie: mikrobusy samochody dostawcze samochody osobowe samochody ciężarowe autobusy samochody specjalne maszyny rolnicze i budowlane CHAKTERYSTYKA TECHNICZNA: Modułowa konstrukcja Niewielkie wymiary Niski pobór prądu Niewielki poziom hałasu Żywotność dmuchaw 30.000 h Dwa stopnie pracy Zasilanie 24 V ...
Product: NEW Product number: 465674, 1319443A Magnetic valve- cewka SAM 20/50 24V - 5 WAT numer katalogowy 465674...
Teddy 2000 12V heater 1515510042
Product: NEW Product number: 151-551-0042, (1515510042), 151-551-0242, 1515510242 Aurora 12V water heater, catalog number 151-551-0042 Application: motor vehicles, construction machines and other vehicles with 12V installation...
Caliper Brake RENAULT MAGNUM 5010422510 - LRG580
Product: REMANUFACTUREDCaliper Brake MERITOR nr LRG580 to RENAULT - Left Front Number Meritor - 68032901, 68032903, 68032905, 68033044, 68032911Renault - 5010422510, 5010422983, 5010422985, 5010422991, 5010525044, 5001854335, 5010525046 ...
Caliper Brake RENAULT MAGNUM 5010422510 - LRG581
Product: REMANUFACTUREDCaliper Brake MERITOR nr LRG581 to RENAULT - Right, FrontMeritor Number - 68032902, 68032904, 68032906, 68033045, 68032912Renault - 5010422511, 5010422984, 5010422986, 5010422990, 5010525045, 5001854336, 5010525047 ...
Caliper Brake Renault Premium LRG700;, 68033182
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: LRG700, 68033168, 68033182Caliper Brake Meritor nr LRG 700 - Left FrontVehicle Applications: RENAULT PREMIUM, MAGNUM Another Numbers - RENAULT - 5010525479, 5001858404, 5010525477 ...
Caliper Brake Renault Premium LRG701, 68033183
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: LRG701, 68033169, 68033183Caliper Brake Meritor nr LRG 701 - Right FrontVehicle Applications: RENAULT PREMIUM, MAGNUM Another Numbers - RENAULT - 5010525480 5001860794 5001858405 ...
Heating AT2000 ST Mercedes 24V
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: AT2000ST Heating unit - parking heating AIR-TOP 2000 ST - 24V with plug - without installation kit and without fuel pump Application - MERCEDES commercial vehicles...
Axial Fan SPAL VA89-BBL300-94A
Product: NEW Product number: VA89-BBL300-94A, R-03/5640 ...
DAF LK3839 air compressor, 1403939
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: LK3839 Part Number: LK3839 OE number: 1403939 Application: DAF, Autosan, Cumins Deposit for failure to return the old item - PLN 400 - after the return, the unit is verified (the old item - returned must be complete, the lack of any external or internal element of the returned old item results in a reduction of the deposit refund to 50% of the deposit value) if it is complete and not If the crankshaft is not seized or damaged, 100% of the deposit will be refunded to the bank account indicated by the buyer....
Product: NEW Product number: 9010386A; 85340C, 1320440A 1531 24V control clock, used to control Air-Top units...
Product: NEW Product number: 470732, 122742 Application - Webasto heating units...
Dławica kompresora Bitzer 37402312
Product: NEWProduct number:374023012 Dławica kompresora klimatyzacji Bitzer 4/6PFCY 4/6 NFCY Zastosowanie: Man, Iveco, Bova, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Daf.......
Nagrzewnica Kalori 102.32.013 12V
Product: NEWProduct number: 12032013, 120.32.013Napięcie: 12VZastosowanie: wózki widłowe...
Air-Top heating controller 12/24V 82819B
Variant: NEW Product number: 82819B, 83052B, 1322581A Heating unit controller manufactured by Webasto AT 2000;AT 3500/5000 12V/24V with catalog number 83052B Application - commercial vehicles SCANIA, MERCEDES, IVECO, MAN, RENAULT and others, as well as in special structures...
Electronic control unit Webasto 44998
Product: NEWProduct number: 449.98B Hetaing central control unit Sirokko 268 Webasto nr kat. 44998B use: heating SIROKKO 268 ...
Aurora blower motor 212-551-0010 - 12V
Product: NEW Product number: 2125510010, AURORA heater motor Technical data: -total length: 222 mm -axle diameter: 8 mm -body diameter: mm -operating voltage: U = 12 VDC Application - Man, Iveco, Renault, Mercedes commercial vehicles and agricultural and construction machines Case, New Holland and others...
Flame detection photocell HL24/32/Air-Top 24/32 465305
Product: NEW Product number: 465305 Flame detection photocell to heatings aggregates HL 24/32- Air-Top 24/32 folder number 465305 ; use: utility vehicles...
Teddy 12V heater blower motor 2125510004
Product: NEW Product number: 2125510004, 411-121-0001, 411-121-0241 Application: heaters 151-551-0038 AURORA heater motor Technical data: total length: 222 mm axle diameter: 8 mm body diameter: 75 mm operating voltage: U = 12 VDC Application - Man, Iveco, Renault, Mercedes commercial vehicles and agricultural and construction machines Case, New Holland and others...
Single radial blower 004-B41-28S
Product: NEWProduct number: 3000.1514, (30001514) Single radial blower SPAl: Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=11,5A Max capacity 750 m3/h long life use: air conditioner C300 Webasto size: base: 131x119high: 232overall length: 272overall width: 150 ...