Brennkammer Air-Top 3500/5000 97566A , 1322471A
Product : NEWProduct number:97566A, 1322471A Zastosowanie - w agregatach grzewczych Air-Top 3500 i Air-Top 5000 do pojazdów uzytkowych...
Air Top 2000 ST heating harness
Product: NEW Product number: 9003696G, 1320459A Air Top 2000ST heating wiring harness, catalog number 9003696G...
Air-Top 2000 S heating harness 86514C
Product: NEW Product number: 86514C, 1319770A Air Top 2000 S heating wiring harness, catalog number 86514C...
Wiring harness DBW 2010 / 2012 15706B
Product: NEWProduct number: 15706B, 1320309A Wiring harness DBW2010, DBW2012 SPHEROSApplication : bus heating ...
Mercedes 26206D control box, 0004460229
Product: NEW Product number: 0004460229, 26206D, 1320590A Hella number - 5HB005904-07 24V heating control box Application: DBW, Thermo heating...
Ogrzewanie DW300 Webasto 24V Man, Renault
Product : REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: DW300 24V; moc grzewcza 30KWZastosowanie: pojazdy autobusowe - MAN, SCANIA, VOVLO, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, VAN-HOOL, MERCEDES ...oraz - pojazdy szynowe, pojazdy mleczarkie, cysterny, wozy strażackie i inne zabudowyKaucja za zwrot starej jednostki : 500 pln...
Product : REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: DW 300 24V ; moc grzewcza 30KW - zmodernizowanyZastosowanie : pojazdy autobusowe- AUTOSAN, JELCZ, MAN, SCANIA, VOVLO, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, VAN-HOOL, MERCEDES ...oraz - pojazdy szynowe, pojazdy mleczarkie, cysterny, wozy strażackie i inne zabudowy Do agregatów grzewczych remontowanych - regenerowanych w naszym zakladzie stosuje się tylko i wyłącznie oryginalne podzespoły i zestawy naprawcze światowych producentów agregatów grzewczych jednocześnie każdy agregat jest poddawany wielokrotnym testom sprawdzajacym prawidłowe działanie urządzenia na specjalistycznym stanowisku do testowania agregatów grzewczych, co zapewnia naszym kilentom wysoką jakośc i gwarancję dobrze wykonanej usługi. Zachęcamy do skorzystania z naszych usług. ...
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: DBW2010; 24V Heating power 9.6KW Fuel consumption: 1.0 kg/h Dimensions: 584 x 205 x 228 Application: bus vehicles - AUTOSAN, JELCZ, NEOPLAN, SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, MERCEDES ... and - rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire trucks and other structures. Deposit - PLN 600 For heating units overhauled - regenerated in our plant, only original components and repair kits from global manufacturers of heating units are used. At the same time, each unit is subjected to multiple tests to check the correct operation of the device on a specialized stand for testing heating units, which ensures high quality and warranty for our customers. a service well performed. We encourage you to use our services....
Air-Top 3500ST 9003288A blower motor
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: 9003288A Blower motor of the AIR-TOP 3500ST 24V air heating unit with catalog number 9004210A ; 9003288A Deposit: PLN 100...
Thermo 90 82405A 12V heating blower motor
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: 82405A Thermo 90, DW80 heating engine application: Thermo 90, DW80 diesel water heating used in vehicles: DAF, SCANIA, IVECO, MERCEDES DEPOSIT - PLN 100 ...
DBW2020/300 heating motor 106078 12V
Product: NEW Product number: 106078 Heating motor 106.078 12V Application: heating DBW 2020 / DBW 300 / DBW 350...
Thermo 300 21318A heating motor
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: 21318A Thermo 300 heating engine from Webasto, part number 213.18A technical data: application: Thermo 300, DW 300 heating supply voltage: U = 24 VDC Deposit - PLN 70 ...
Heating motor DBW2020/300 106082 24V 1319532A
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: 106082 Heating motor for Spheros/Webasto 106.082 heating units Other numbers: 0130110005 24V, 1319532A Application: heating DBW 2020 / DBW 300 / DBW 350 Deposit - PLN 50...
Air-Top 3500 ST 12V heating engine
Variant: REGENERATION Manufacturer number: Blower motor of the AIR-TOP 3500ST 12V air heating unit with catalog number...
Air-Top 3500 ST 24V heating engine
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: 9003288A Blower motor of the AIR-TOP 3500ST 24V air heating unit with catalog number 9004210A ; 9003288A Deposit - PLN 100...
Air-Top 2000 ST 12V heating engine
Product : REMANUFACTURED Product number: 1303846A AIR-TOP 2000 ST 12V AIR HEATING GENERATOR ENGINE Deposit: PLN 100...
Air-Top 2000 ST 24V heating engine
Product : REMANUFACTURED Product number: 1302788A AIR-TOP 2000 ST 24V AIR HEATING GENERATOR ENGINE Deposit: PLN 100...
Air-Top 2000 12V heating engine
Product : REMANUFACTURED Product number: 88441B AIR-TOP 2000 12V AIR HEATING GENERATOR ENGINE Deposit: PLN 100...
Air-Top 2000 24V heating engine
Product : REMANUFACTURED Product number: 70678A AIR-TOP 2000 24V AIR HEATING GENERATOR ENGINE Deposit: PLN 100...
Variant: REGENERATION Manufacturer No.: Thermo 230 Application - bus vehicles - Neoplan, Man, Mercedes, Solaris, Autosan, Jelcz, Bova, Scania, rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire brigade vehicles THERMO 230 heating unit by Webasto Spheros fuel: diesel supply voltage: 24 VDC heating capacity 23 kW power consumption: 65 W fuel consumption: 3 kg/h dimensions: 610 x 246 x 210 this heating works with the U4814 24V water pump, part no. 43150B, or Aquavent 6000 S 24V, part number 1300083A (they differ in efficiency) to be ordered separately. deposit - PLN 700 ...
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: Thermo 300 Application - bus vehicles - Neoplan, Man, Mercedes, Solaris, Autosan, Jelcz, Bova, Scania, rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire brigade vehicles THERMO 300 heating unit by Webasto Spheros - fuel: diesel- supply voltage: 24 VDC- heating capacity 30kW- power consumption: 110W- fuel consumption: 4kg/h- dimensions: 610 x 246 x 210- this heating works with the U4814 24V water pump, part no. 43150B or Aquavent 6000 S 24V, part number 1300083A (they differ in efficiency) to be ordered separately. - deposit - PLN 500 We perform the work using the entrusted unitFor heating units overhauled - regenerated in our plant, only original components and repair kits from global manufacturers of heating units are used. At the same time, each unit is subjected to multiple tests to check the correct operation of the device on a specialized stand for testing heating units, which ensures high quality and warranty for our customers. a service ...
24V DBW300 Webasto - Spheros heating unit
Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: DBW300 24V ; heating power 30 KW Application: bus vehicles - AUTOSAN, JELCZ, NEOPLAN, SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, MERCEDES ... and - rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire trucks and other structures. Only original components and repair kits from global manufacturers of heating units are used for heating units refurbished in our plant. At the same time, each unit is subjected to multiple tests to check the correct operation of the device on a specialized station for testing heating units, which ensures high quality and a guarantee of a well-performed service to our customers. We encourage you to use our services. Deposit for returning the old unit: PLN 400 ...