Agregaty grzewcze produkcji VALEO - SPHEROS 24V ; 23kW, 30 kW, 35kW oraz części zamienne. Zastosowanie - pojazdy autobusowe - Neoplan, Man, Mercedes, Solaris, Volvo, Iveco, Scania, Van Hool, Solbus, Autosan, Jelcz, Bova pojazdy szynowe, pojazdy mleczarskie, cysterny, pojazdy straży pożarnej.
Zawór magnetyczny Thermo 11115301A
Wariant: NOWYNumer wyrobu: 11115301AElektrozawór Spheros - cewka pompy paliwa Thermo E 200/320 i Thermo Plus 230/300/350Inne numery - 11115518B...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 9000064B 1pc. Back - R L650 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Air inlet grille of the Thermo 230/300/350 unit 20819A
Product: NEW Product number: 20819A, B,C, 1320102A Webasto heating casing, part no. 20819A,B,C Application: Thermo 230/300/350, DW 230/300/350...
Air inlet of the 20818B Thermo 230/300/350 unit
Product: NEW Product number: 20818B, 20818C, 20818D, 1320101A Webasto heating air inlet part no. Application: Thermo 23/300/350, DW 230/300/350...
Clutch for Thermo/DW 230/300/350 units 20654A, 11117847A
Product: NEW Product number: 20654A, 1321022A, 11117847A Clutch for water generator Application: THERMO 230/300/350 and DW 230/300/350 used in all types of bus vehicles (NEOPLAN, SETRA, MAN, MERCEDES, JELCZ, AUTOSAN, BOVA, IVECO, DAF, SCANIA, etc. in rail vehicles and other vehicles utility...
Combustion chamber 11114186A Thermo E320
Product: NEW Product number: 11114186A Zastosowanie: Thermo E 320
Combustion chamber Thermo 2710229A
Product: NEWProduct number: 2710229A Komora spalania do agregatów Thermo300/350 ; Thermo S 230/300/350 ...
Fuel high-pressure nozzle THERMO 350 469556, 2710236B
Product : NEWProduct number : 469556, 1319451A, 2710236BFuel high-pressure nozzle Cross : 1319451A, 2710236B, 01203435, 1890820, 21501506, 215947, 2710236B, 3555893, 36779500010, 469556, 82619500010, 85105017, 1319451A, 469556 use : heating Thermo 350, DW 350, Thermo S 350 ...
Fuel high-pressure nozzle 470716
Product : NEWProduct number : 470716 Fuel high-pressure nozzle 0,65 - 470716Cross :1319452A, 2710234B, 01203436, 197681, 2710234B, 2863059, 3555927 use: heating DBW2020 ...
Fuel High-pressure nozzle 470724
Product : NEWProduct number: 470724 Fuel high-pressure nozzle to Thermo heating 300 Webasto 470724 Cross : 1319453A , 2710235B, 470724, 1319452A, 1319452, 01200088, 04060000013, 1314738A, 1319535A, 1890818, 197699, 21501504, 3555950, 47072, 85105016 use : heating Thermo 300 ...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 11116045B Back - R L1000 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 11116047B Suction - S L1500 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 2710523B Suction - S L400 / Teflon Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 2710524B Back - R L660 / Teflon Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 66793B Suction L900 Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 87046B Back - R L650 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 87047B Suction L1000 Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 87886B Back - R L780 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 87787B Suction L520 Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 9000065B Suction L1000 Fuel line for heating Thermo , DBW , Thermo Plus...
Variant: NEWProduct number: 9004547B Back - R L660 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...