Thermo 230/300/350 ; DW 230/300/350

Thermo 230/300/350 ; DW 230/300/350

Heating aggregates by SPHEROS - WEBASTO 24V; 23kW, 30 kW, 35kW and spare parts. Application - bus vehicles - Neoplan, Man, Mercedes, Solaris, Volvo, Iveco, Scania, Van Hool, Solbus, Autosan, Jelcz, Bova rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tank trucks, fire brigade vehicles.


Fuel line 87786B

Fuel line 87786B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 87886B Back - R L780 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 87787B

Fuel line 87787B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 87787B Suction L520 Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 87047B

Fuel line 87047B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 87047B Suction L1000 Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 87046B

Fuel line 87046B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 87046B Back - R L650 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 11116045B

Fuel line 11116045B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 11116045B Back - R L1000 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 11116047B

Fuel line 11116047B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 11116047B Suction - S L1500 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 9004547B

Fuel line 9004547B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 9004547B Back  - R L660 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 66793B

Fuel line 66793B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 66793B Suction L900 Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 90734C

Fuel line 90734C

Variant: NEWProduct number: 90734C Back - R L820 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 2710524B

Fuel line 2710524B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 2710524B Back - R L660 / Teflon Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 2710523B

Fuel line 2710523B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 2710523B Suction - S L400 / Teflon Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 9000064B

Fuel line 9000064B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 9000064B 1pc. Back - R L650 Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 9000065B

Fuel line 9000065B

Variant: NEWProduct number: 9000065B Suction L1000 Fuel line for heating Thermo , DBW , Thermo Plus...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 92221C

Fuel line 92221C

Variant: NEWProduct number: 92221C Fuel pipe for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus , DBW...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 92222C

Fuel line 92222C

Variant: NEWProduct number: 92222C Suction - S Fuel line for heating Thermo , Thermo Plus, DBW  ...

net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 65058B
net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Fuel line 90712B
net: €0.00
(gross: €0.00 )
Thermo 350 ogrzewanie postojowe 24V

Thermo 350 ogrzewanie postojowe 24V

Wariant:  REGENERACJANr producenta:  Thermo 350 Zastosowanie - pojazdy autobusowe - Neoplan, Man, mercedes, Solaris, Autosan, Jelcz, Bova, Scania, pojazdy  szynowe, pojazdy mleczarskie, cysterny, pojazdy straży pożarnej  Agregat grzewczy THERMO 350 firmy Webasto Spheros z pompą wody U4856 + filtr paliwa + króćce filtra paliwa + filtr układu wodnego paliwo: diesel napięcie zasilania: 24 VDC wydajność grzewcza 35 kW pobór mocy: 140 W zużycie paliwa: 4,5 kg/h wymiary: 610 x 246 x 210 ogrzewanie to współpracuje z pompą wody U4814 24V nr kat. 43150B lub Aquavent 6000 S 24V nr kat. 1300083A (różnią się wydajnością) do zamówienia osobno. kaucja - 700 PLN ...

net: €1,319.45
(gross: €1,622.92 )
Fuel filter o-ring 331406

Fuel filter o-ring 331406

Variant: NEWProduct number: 331406, 1319706AO-ring seal 59.4x2.8 for heating units: DBW 2020/300/350, Thermo 230/300/350 and DW 230/300/350...

net: €9.80
(gross: €12.06 )
Zawór magnetyczny Thermo 2710806A

Zawór magnetyczny Thermo 2710806A

Wariant:  NOWYNumer wyrobu:  2710806AElektrozawór Spheros - cewka pompy paliwa Thermo 230/300/350  i  DW230/300/350Inne  numery - 1319616A, stary numer  29313A ...

net: €54.17
(gross: €66.63 )
Thermo 350 parking heater 24V

Thermo 350 parking heater 24V

Variant:  REGENERATION Manufacturer No.:  Thermo 350 Application - bus vehicles - Neoplan, Man, Mercedes, Solaris, Autosan, Jelcz, Bova, Scania, rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire brigade vehicles THERMO 350 heating unit by Webasto Spheros fuel: diesel    -supply voltage: 24 VDC   -heating capacity 35 kW   -power consumption: 140 W   -fuel consumption: 4.5 kg/h   -dimensions: 610 x 246 x 210 this heating works with the U4814 24V water pump, part no. 43150B, or Aquavent 6000 S 24V, part number 1300083A (they differ in efficiency) to be ordered separately. deposit - PLN 700...

net: €1,203.71
(gross: €1,480.56 )
Thermo 230 head

Thermo 230 head

Variant: NEW Product number: Head   The head of the Thermo 230 heating unit by Webasto application: THERMO 230 24VDC generator...

net: €1,388.89
(gross: €1,708.33 )