HYDRONIC 16,24,30, 35

HYDRONIC 16,24,30, 35

Ogrzewania wodne HYDRONIC 16,24, 30, 35 24V, moc cieplna 16.24.30 i 35 kW

Zastosowanie - pojazdy autobusowe - Man, Mercedes, Neoplan, Bova, Scania, Autosan, Jelcz, Solaris
pojazdy szynowe, wozy strażackie, pojazdy mleczne, cysterny


Heating HYDRONIC 30 251818020000

Heating HYDRONIC 30 251818020000

Product: NEWProduct number: 251818020000 Heating HYDRONIC 30  Eberspaecher nr kat. 25 18 18 02 0000Technical datails: fuel: diesel suplly voltage: 24 VDC heating capacity 30kW power current: 95W fuel consumption: 3,65l/h Application : bus heating - RENAULT, NEOPLAN, SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, MERCEDES, IVECO, SOLBUS, JELCZ, AUTOSAN ...and - rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, cisterns, fire trucks and other bodywork....

net: €1,898.15
(gross: €2,334.72 )
Water heating 24V HYDRONIC 35

Water heating 24V HYDRONIC 35

Product: NEW Product number: 25 18 18 02 0000, 251818020000, 25.1818.02.0000 Application - bus vehicles - Man, Mercedes, Neoplan, Bova, Scania, Autosan, Jelcz, Solaris. rail vehicles, fire trucks, dairy vehicles, tanksHYDRONIC 30 heating by Eberspaecher part number 25 18 18 02 0000 Technical data: - supply voltage: U = 24 VDC - electricity consumption including water pump 230 W - efficiency: 35 kW - heating medium: water with anti-corrosion and anti-freeze agents - fuel consumption: in continuous operation approx. 4.20 l/h Technical characteristics: - Electronic regulation - Optimum fuel-air mixture at every voltage - Automatic security check - Fault diagnosis system High efficiency - Quiet operation A 24-MONTH WARRANTY IS GIVEN FOR THE GENERATORS INSTALLED IN OUR PLANT AND IN ANY OTHER AUTHORIZED EBERSPAECHER SERVICE. WE INVITE YOU TO USE OUR SERVICES....

Hydronic 35 water heating after regeneration

Hydronic 35 water heating after regeneration

Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: 252489020000, 25.2489.02.0000, 25 2489 02 0000 Application - bus vehicles - Man, Mercedes, Neoplan, Bova, Scania, Autosan, Jelcz, Solaris rail vehicles, fire trucks, dairy vehicles, tanksHYDRONIC 35 heating by Eberspaecher part number 252489020000 Technical data: - supply voltage: U = 24 VDC - electricity consumption: 120 W - efficiency: 35 kW - heating medium: water with anti-corrosion and anti-freeze agents - fuel consumption: in continuous operation approx. 4.2 l/h Technical characteristics: - Electronic regulation - Optimum fuel-air mixture at every voltage - Automatic security check - Fault diagnosis system High efficiency - Quiet operation   DEPOSIT PLN 500...

net: €972.22
(gross: €1,195.83 )
Wymiennik - płaszcz wodny agregatu Hydronic 30 i 35 ; 251818060000

Wymiennik - płaszcz wodny agregatu Hydronic 30 i 35 ; 251818060000

Product : NEWProduct number : 251818060000, 25.1818.06.0000, 25 1818 06 0000 Wymiennik - płaszcz wodny ogrzewania Hydronic 30 i 35 produkcji Eberspaecher o numerze katalogowym  251818060000...

net: €676.36
(gross: €831.92 )
Fuel pump for HYDRONIC 30 and 35 units 251818994501, 252488994600

Fuel pump for HYDRONIC 30 and 35 units 251818994501, 252488994600

Product: NEW Product number: 252488994600, 251818994501, 25.2488.99.4600, 25 2488 99 4600 Fuel pump for HYDRONIC 30 and 35 heating unit with catalog number 251818994501...

net: €543.87
(gross: €668.96 )
Control unit 251818530010

Control unit 251818530010

Product: NEWProduct number: 25 18 18 53 0010

net: €533.72
(gross: €656.48 )
Wiązka agregatu Hydronic 30/35 MAN 252025010100

Wiązka agregatu Hydronic 30/35 MAN 252025010100

Product: NEWProduct number: 252025010100; 25.2025.01.0100Wiązka elektryczna agregatu Hydronic 30 i 35 produkcji Eberspaecher o numerze katalogowym  252025010100  ...

net: €484.74
(gross: €596.23 )
Control box 251818540012 Hydronic 24

Control box 251818540012 Hydronic 24

Product: NEW Product number: 251818540012; 25.1818.54.0012, 25 1818 54 0012 Application: Hydronic 24 heating units, used in commercial vehicles, buses, rail vehicles and various types of special structures...

net: €434.91
(gross: €534.94 )
Combustion chamber 251818570000

Combustion chamber 251818570000

Product: NEWProduct number: 25 18 18 57 0000 Combustion chamber nr kat. 25 18 18 57 0000 Eberspaecher use: HYDRONIC 30, 35 ...

net: €407.89
(gross: €501.71 )
Water pump U4854 AQUAVENT 5000S 1301681A

Water pump U4854 AQUAVENT 5000S 1301681A

Product: NEW Product number: 1301681A Water pump U4854 AQUAVENT 5000S by Webasto, part number 1301681A supply voltage: U = 24 VDC...

net: €376.74
(gross: €463.39 )
Silnik ogrzewania Hydronic 251818150600

Silnik ogrzewania Hydronic 251818150600

Product: NEWProduct number: 251818991506, 251818150600, 25 1818 99 1506, 25.1818.99.1506, 25 1818 15 0600, 25.1818.15.0600 Silnik ogrzewania Hydronic Zastosowanie - agregaty Eberspaecher - Hydronic 24/30/35...

net: €319.62
(gross: €393.13 )
Pompa wody Flowtronic 5000 16/24/30/35  252488260000

Pompa wody Flowtronic 5000 16/24/30/35 252488260000

Product: NEWProduct number: 252488260000, 25.2488.26.0000, 25 2488 26 0000 Zastosowanie: w agregatach grzewczych Hydronic 30 , mających zastosowanie w autobusach komunikacji miejskiej np. SOLARIS oraz innych zabudowach...

net: €319.62
(gross: €393.13 )
Thermo fuel filter 9010929A, 9002975A

Thermo fuel filter 9010929A, 9002975A

Product: NEW Product number: 9010929A, 9002975A, 1320017A Fuel filter set. Webasto catalog number 9010929A for water heating Application:  in Thermo 230/300/350, DW 230/300/350, DBW 2020/300/350, DBW 2020/300/350 Sensoric, Thermo E, Thermo S units                                              ...

net: €118.45
(gross: €145.69 )
Electronic ignition unit 251818150300

Electronic ignition unit 251818150300

Product: NEWProduct number: 25 18 18 15 0300 Electronic ignition 24V nr kat. 25 18 18 15 0300  Eberspaecher use: HYDRONIC 30 ...

net: €126.98
(gross: €156.18 )
Wiring harness Hydronic 30 i 35 ; 251818010100

Wiring harness Hydronic 30 i 35 ; 251818010100

Product: NEWProduct number: 251818010100, 25.1818.01.0100Wiring harness Hydronic 30/35  EberapaecherApplication : bus heating  ...

net: €123.28
(gross: €151.63 )
Hydronic heating fuel filter 33000052

Hydronic heating fuel filter 33000052

Product: NEW Product number: 33000052, 330.00.052, 330 00 052 Application: in Hydronic 30 heating units, used in public transport buses, e.g. SOLARIS and other structures...

net: €96.24
(gross: €118.38 )
Central heating water pump 24V, catalog number 67114335

Central heating water pump 24V, catalog number 67114335

Product : New Product number: 67114335 Product feature: replacement for the U4814 water pump 24 V water pump for bus heaters - replacement of the U4814-24V pump, power - 100W, Amp - 2.5, pressure 0.2 Bar, efficiency - 4500l/h...

net: €66.20
(gross: €81.43 )
Zawór wodny V8 Hydronic 16/24/30/35 ; 33000210

Zawór wodny V8 Hydronic 16/24/30/35 ; 33000210

Product: NEWProduct number: 33000210, 330.00.210, 330 00 210 Zastosowanie: w agregatach grzewczych Hydronic 30 , mających zastosowanie w autobusach komunikacji miejskiej np. SOLARIS oraz innych zabudowach...

net: €63.27
(gross: €77.82 )
Zawór elektromagnetyczny 24900004 Hydronic 30

Zawór elektromagnetyczny 24900004 Hydronic 30

Product: NEWProduct number: 24900004; 249.00.004 Zastosowanie: w agregatach grzewczych Hydronic 30 , mających zastosowanie w autobusach komunikacji miejskiej np. SOLARIS oraz innych zabudowach...

net: €54.41
(gross: €66.92 )
Overheat protection251818400000

Overheat protection251818400000

Product: NEWProduct number: 25 18 18 40 0000 Overheat protection nr kat. 25 18 18 40 0000  Eberspaecher use: HYDRONIC 30 ...

net: €51.72
(gross: €63.61 )
Hydronic 30 unit heater 221000308500

Hydronic 30 unit heater 221000308500

Product: NEW Product number: 221000308500, 22.1000.30.8500, 22 1000 30 8500 Application: in Hydronic 30 heating units, used in public transport buses, e.g. SOLARIS and other structures...

net: €42.94
(gross: €52.82 )
Temperature sensor 251818410000

Temperature sensor 251818410000

Product: NEWProduct number: 25 18 18 41 0000 Temperauture sensory nr kat. 25 18 18 41 0000  Eberspaecher use: HYDRONIC 30 ...

net: €42.60
(gross: €52.40 )