Water heating

Control clock 63399A 1529 24V

Control clock 63399A 1529 24V

Product: NEW Product number :  63399A, 1322857A   24 V timer 1529 by Webasto, part no. 63399A 82719B, 46026B, 153043 heating unit: DBW2020 S, DBW300 S, DBW350 S (Sensoric) DBW 46 heating unit...

net: €165.28
(gross: €203.30 )
Wiring harness Thermo 300/350 Volvo 90675E

Wiring harness Thermo 300/350 Volvo 90675E

Product: NEWProduct number: 90675EWiring harness Thermo 230/300/350, DW300  SPHEROSApplication : bus heating for Volvo, Mercedes ...  ...

net: €165.76
(gross: €203.89 )
Thermo 90ST 9006607B combustion chamber

Thermo 90ST 9006607B combustion chamber

Product : NEW Product number: 9006607B, 9006607A Combustion chamber - flame tube of the Thermo 90St heating unit, catalog number 9006607B...

net: €165.83
(gross: €203.97 )
Thermo 50 24V 66051E blower

Thermo 50 24V 66051E blower

Product: NEW Product number: 66051E   Blower, engine for Thermo50 units, use in commercial vehicles catalog number 66051E...

Water pump U4856 replacement

Water pump U4856 replacement

Variant: NEW Manufacturer No.: 6671140 Cross - 1314723A, 9810015A Water pump U4856 6000SC by Kormas no. 5704300240013 supply voltage: U = 24 VDC...

net: €166.67
(gross: €205.00 )
Wiring harnessThermo 300/350  66759C

Wiring harnessThermo 300/350 66759C

Product: NEWProduct number: 66759C, 1320350AWiring harness Thermo 230/300/350, DW300  SPHEROSApplication : bus heating  ...

net: €166.84
(gross: €205.21 )
Fuel high-pressure nozzle DBW 2010/2012  384852

Fuel high-pressure nozzle DBW 2010/2012 384852

Product : NEWProduct number :  384852, 1319394AFuel high-pressure nozzle 0.30  384852Zastosowanie: ogrzewanie DBW2010/DBW2012 Cross : 1319388A use : heating DBW2010, DBW2012 ...

net: €151.41
(gross: €186.23 )
Combustion chamber with flame tube D5WZ 251922100000

Combustion chamber with flame tube D5WZ 251922100000

Product: NEW Product number: 251922100000 Other numbers: 2519221000002K, 25.1922.10.0000, 25.1922.10.0000 Combustion chamber with flame tube Application: D5WZ additional heaters from EBERSPAECHER...

net: €169.85
(gross: €208.92 )
Wiring harness Thermo 300 63582D

Wiring harness Thermo 300 63582D

Product: NEWProduct number: 63582DWiring harness Thermo 230/300/350, DW300 SPHEROSApplication : bus heating  ...

net: €171.15
(gross: €210.51 )
Water pump U4844 DBW/BBW 46; 21471A ; 12V

Water pump U4844 DBW/BBW 46; 21471A ; 12V

Product: NEW Product number: 21471A, 1322878A 12V   Pompa wody U4844 firmy WEBASTO Zastosowanie: agregaty grzewcze DBW46 i BBW46 , oraz inne zabudowy...

net: €174.67
(gross: €214.84 )
Water pump Hydronic D5WSC 252219250000

Water pump Hydronic D5WSC 252219250000

Product: NEWProduct number: 252219250000 Water pump nr kat. 25 2219 25 00 00  Eberspaecher use: B5WSC, B4WSC, D4WSC, D5WSC   ...

net: €174.82
(gross: €215.03 )
Glow pin 252435010100

Glow pin 252435010100

Variant : NEW Product number : 252435010100, 25.2435.01.0100   Glow stick for 24V heating units - Hydronic M II 8 - 25 2471 - Hydronic M II 10 - 25 2435 - Hydronic M II 12 - 25 2473...

net: €175.93
(gross: €216.39 )
Glow pin 252434010100
net: €175.93
(gross: €216.39 )
Czujnik temperatury doThermo H plus 160/230/300/350 11116562B

Czujnik temperatury doThermo H plus 160/230/300/350 11116562B

Wariant: NOWYNumer produktu: 11116562B   Czujnik temperatury do ogrzewania Thermo H plus 160/230/300/350 11116562B...

Fuel pump 24V Thermo 90ST 9012869C

Fuel pump 24V Thermo 90ST 9012869C

Product : NEW Product number: 9012869C, 1320294A Fuel pump for a heating unit manufactured by Webasto Thermo 90 ST, catalog number 9012869C...

net: €159.65
(gross: €196.37 )
Nagrzewnica wodna XEROS 4000 22.2282.11.0122 12V

Nagrzewnica wodna XEROS 4000 22.2282.11.0122 12V

Nagrzewnica wodna XEROS 4000   Product number: 282.110.200F, 22.2282.11.0122, 22 2282 11 0122, 222282110122Napiecie  12 V    Zalety wymienników ciepła Eberspächer: uniwersalne zastosowanie niewielkie wymiary duża wydajność cieplna niski poziom hałasu wysoka jakość (ISO 9002) niezawodność bezpieczeństwo potwierdzone znakiem "B" Zastosowanie mikrobusy samochody dostawcze samochody osobowe samochody ciężarowe autobusy samochody specjalne maszyny rolnicze i budowlane CHAKTERYSTYKA TECHNICZNA  Kompaktowe wymiary Duży wydatek powietrza Różne sposoby rozprowadzenia powietrza Obudowa z niepalnego tworzywa sztucznego Zasilanie 12    ...

net: €178.09
(gross: €219.05 )
Wiring harness Thermo 300/350 Man 11113773B

Wiring harness Thermo 300/350 Man 11113773B

Product: NEWProduct number: 11113773BWiring harness Thermo 230/300/350, DW300  SPHEROSApplication : bus heating for Man  ...

net: €178.68
(gross: €219.78 )
Wiring harnessThermo 300 2710427B

Wiring harnessThermo 300 2710427B

Product: NEWProduct number: 2710427BWiring harness Thermo 230/300/350, DW300  SPHEROSApplication : bus heating  ...

net: €178.68
(gross: €219.78 )
Combuition chamberThermo 90 82415A

Combuition chamberThermo 90 82415A

Product: NEWProduct number: 82415A,B   Combuition chamber Thermo 90 use : water heating  Thermo 90 diesel and petrol use in vehicles : DAF, SCANIA, IVECO, MERCEDES folder number: 82415A, 82415B...

net: €165.83
(gross: €203.97 )
Hydronic M II fuel pump 224617010000

Hydronic M II fuel pump 224617010000

Variant : NEW Product number : 224617010000, 22.4617.01.0000   Fuel pump for 12V heating units - Hydronic M II 8 - 25 2470 - Hydronic M II 10 - 25 2434 - Hydronic M II 12 - 25 2472...

net: €185.19
(gross: €227.78 )
Combustion chamber D24W/D30W 251669570000

Combustion chamber D24W/D30W 251669570000

Product: NEW Product number: 251669570000, 25.1669.57.0000, 25 1669 57 0000 Combustion chamber - flame tube Application: EBERSPAECHER 24V D24W/D30W heating units...

net: €186.07
(gross: €228.86 )