This category includes radial and axial blowers and fans from manufacturers such as: SPAL, AURORA, EBERSPAECHER, HISPACOLD, G&C, SUTRAK, KONVEKTA, BEHR, DREIHA, BOSCH, and KORMAS radial and axial versions adapted for 12V and 24V supply. Elements for air distribution and rotation regulators.
Air conditioning fan (KONVEKTA) 24V; No. H11-001-220
KONVEKTA 24V air conditioning fan; product number H11-001-220 Air conditioning fan - an integral element of the system responsible for cooling the air entering the vehicle cabin through the ventilation system. Air conditioning in cars, trucks and buses is now standard equipment. It not only helps cool the interior, but is also responsible for the transparency of the windows by removing steam from them. We use it practically all year round, especially in the hot summer, but also in the winter, which is mild and humid. Every air conditioning user should remember to service it regularly, which is recommended once a year. Konvekta 24V air conditioning fan - product features: Regulation: 1-stage Product number: H11-001-220; H11001220 Application: HLK 5 ARS, HKL / ACX 631 air conditioners NEOPLAN buses - SKYLINER / STARLINER / CITYLINER / JETLINER / SPACELINER If you have not found the air conditioning fan you are looking for in our store or you have additional questions about this pr...
Wentylator Konvekta H11-002-259
Wariant : NOWY Numer wyrobu : H11-002-259, H11002259Inne numery: -EBM - K3G097-AK28-77 Zastosowanie : w klimatyzacjach firmy Konvekta w pojazdach autobusowych MAN, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, MERCEDES i innych... Dane techniczne : - napięcie - 24V - wymiary wentylatora (mm): długość 335 x szerokość 135 x wysokość 140 - wymiary kanałów wylotowych powietrza : 2 kanały 105mm x 60 mm...
Variant: NEW Product number: Application - axial fans for commercial vehicles (round) Spal and other replacement manufacturers ...
Variant: NEW Product number: Application - axial fans for commercial vehicles (round) Spal and other replacement manufacturers...
Aurora fastening buckle 433-910-0001
Variant: NEW Product number: 433-910-0001; (4339100001) A buckle that fastens the housings of AURORA products Application: in Aurora heaters and blowers The given price is for 1 piece....
Propeller - rotor of the HISPACOLD air conditioning engine; 3270800
Product: NEW Product number: 3270800 Propeller - rotor of the air conditioning engine manufactured by HISPACOLD, catalog number 3270800 Diameter: 255 mm...
Fan, blower DG550-L-1 ; 28,22,05,003
Product: NEWProduct number: 28,22,05,003 Blower Sutrak number 28,222,05,003 ; use: air conditioner to buses:Iveco, Man, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Volvo, Jelcz, Autosan, Solaris, Neoplan, Solbus .........
Product: NEWProduct number: 413-300-0013, (4133000013) Fan resistor DRG firmy AURORA nr kat. 4133000013 Technical data: effective resistance 1R5K+4R5K MTS=192oC size: 60x21.6x34 ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 413-300-0002 Heater rezistor Teddy 2000 fAURORA nr kat. 4133000002 ...
Aurora heater speed controller 413-300-0008
Product: NEW Product number: 413-300-0008, (4133000008) Resistor for heaters and fans by AURORA, part no. 4133000008...
SPAL 1.6+1.6/216 fan speed controller
Product: NEW Product number: .1.6+1.6/216 SPAL speed control module code 1.6+1.6/216. It is used to control the speed of SPAL fans. It has 3 levels of regulation. Mounting to the fan's side casing....
Impeller - Sutrak fan blade 28,23,01,815
Product: NEW Product number: 28,23.01.815, 282301815 Fan - plastic air conditioning impeller Eberspaecher - Sutrak Catalog number 28,23,01,815 Application: in air conditioning for buses and commercial vehicles...
DRG Aurora fan speed controller 4133000029
Product: NEW Product number: 4133000029 DRG 1200 Aurora fan speed controller catalog number 413 300 0029 ...
Axial Fan VA14-BP7/C-34S 190mm
Wariant: SUBSTITUTEProduct number :VA14BP734S, 3010.0343, (30100343) Feature: forcing fan Technical data: Fan diameter 190 mm Supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=2.5A Max efficiency 740 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life ...
Axial Fan VA14-BP7/C-34A 190 mm
Wariant: SUBSTITUTEProduct number : VA14-BP7/C-34A; 3010.0342, (30100342), VA14BP7/C34AFeature: suction fan Axial fan from SPAL. Technical data: Fan diameter 190 mm Supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=2.5A Max efficiency 740 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life ...
Fan electric motor 65123805 - 12V
Product: NEW Product number: 65123805 Axial fan motor 12V Feature : REPLACEMENT PRODUCT Ref. No. WMK65123805 Application - cooling systems and air conditioning in passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, construction and agricultural machines Dimensions: - engine body diameter: 102 mm - total length: 74 mm - axle diameter: 8 mm ...
Fan electric motor 65123806 - 24V
Product : New Product number: 65123806 Product feature: REPLACEMENT PRODUCT 24V fan motor Part no. WMK 65123806 Application: in axial fans, buses, commercial vehicles, construction, agricultural and road machinery Dimensions: - engine body diameter: 102 mm - total length: 74 mm - axle diameter: 8 mm - axis length from the brush holder side: 10 mm ...
Product: NEW Product number: 81.77922-0023, 81779220023 Fan catalog number Man 81.77922-0023 left Application: air conditioning and air vents, buses, Man and others -max diameter: 85 mm -height: 70 mm -per axis: 8 mm...
Product: NEW Product number: 81.77922-0022, 81779220022 Fan catalog number Man 81.77922-0022 right Application: air conditioning and air vents, buses, Man and others -max diameter: 85 mm -height: 70 mm -per axis: 8 mm...
Variant: NEW Manufacturer number: 70241524 Product feature: original product Application: commercial vehicles...
New Producer number: 66113902 Electric air conditioner motor 24 V, folder number 66113902 - axial diameter - fi 8 - motor frame diameter - fi 76 - overall length motor 139 mm - axial length - 33 mm...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0388 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA09-AP12/C-27A 3010.0388 fan diameter: 280 mm max diameter with case: 310 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: I = 9,2 A capacity: 1420 m3/h longer life ...