Product: NEWProduct number: VA15-AP70/LL-39S ; VA15-AP1-39S, (VA15AP139S) - WYRÓB ORYGINALNY Feature: pressing fan Axial fan from SPAL. New version of the fan marked VA15-AP1-39S Technical data: Fan diameter 255 mm Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=9.6A Max efficiency 1750 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life Detailed data in the attachment!...
Aurora heater motor 4111210041 12V
Product: NEW Product number: 411-121-0041; (4111210041), 2809-820-024, (2809820024) AURORA-FAZ Application - water heaters used in passenger transport buses with a 12V installation Dimensions: - engine body diameter: 75 mm - total length: 224 mm - axle diameter: 8mm ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 132-102-0002, (1321020002)Single-channel blower - AURORA 24 V - RG 100 number 1321020002, 132-102-0002 ...
Product: NEW Product number: 009-A70-74D, (009A7074D) Centrifugal fan manufactured by SPAL, catalog number 009-A70-74D Interchangeable with fan 009-A22-26D Voltage - 12V current consumption 19.6Amp efficiency 530 m3/h Application - commercial vehicles, construction machines and others Detailed data in the attachment!...
Product: NEW Product number: 008-A37/C-42D Feature: Clockwise rotation Single centrifugal fan by SPAL, catalog number 008A37C42D technical data: supply voltage: 12 VDCmax current consumption: 2.2 Amax efficiency: 260 m3/hincreased service lifereduced noise level dimensions: base: 119x77height: 113.5total length: 119total width: 128 more news - see attachment...
Propeller - rotor of the HISPACOLD air conditioning engine; 3270800
Product: NEW Product number: 3270800 Propeller - rotor of the air conditioning engine manufactured by HISPACOLD, catalog number 3270800 Diameter: 255 mm...
Product: NEW Product number: 009-A22-26D, (009A2226D) Centrifugal fan manufactured by SPAL, catalog number 009-A22-26D Interchangeable with fan 009-A70-74D Voltage - 12V ; current consumption 19.6Amp; efficiency 530 m3/h Application - commercial vehicles, construction machines and others Detailed data in the attachment!...
M2492 electric blower motor; 24V
Variant: NEW Manufacturer number: M2492 - REPLACEMENT PRODUCT 2-axis electric motor - 24V Catalog number - M2492 Technical data : length: 240 mm body diameter: 75 mm axle diameter: 8 mm ...
M249 electric blower motor; 24V
Variant: NEW Manufacturer number: M2491 - REPLACEMENT PRODUCT Electric motor - 24V; Catalog number - M2491 Technical data : length 310 mm body diameter - 75 mm axle diameter - 8 mm ...
M2490 electric motor; 24V 3-speed
Variant: NEW Manufacturer number: M 2490, (M2490) - REPLACEMENT PRODUCT 24V electric motor with built-in 3-speed resistor; Catalog number - M2490 Technical data : length 265 mm body diameter - 75 mm axle diameter - 8 mm ...
Variant: NEW Product number: 2022055086.1; M2490 Electric motor – 24V with a built-in 3-speed resistor Technical data: - length: 265 mm - body diameter: 75 mm - axle diameter: 8 mm - the engine axles are milled on both sides at the end...
Product: NEW Product number: H11-001-282, (H11001282) KONVEKTA air conditioning fan Catalog number H11-001-282 Other numbers - 0008355007, 0028305208, 0028309608, 6278350107, 6278350207...
Product: NEWProduct number: H11-001-280, (H11001280) KONVEKTA fan with catalog number H11-001-280 - 24 V forcing Other numbers:Spal - VA03BP70LL37SKonvekta - H11001280Mercedes - A0038356401, A0008384106Webasto - 92333B Detailed data in the attachment! ...
Axial Fan KONVEKTA H11001257 24V
Product: NEWProduct number: H11-001-275, (H11001275) Spal axial fan part number VA01-BP70/LL-43SApplication - bus air conditionersSutrak - 28,21,01,004Konvecta - H11-001-257Mercedes - A0028304808 ...
Product: NEW Product number:008-B45-2D Double centrifugal fan from SPAL. Technical data: supply voltage U=24V DC max efficiency 400 m3/h max current consumption I=5.7A long service life dimensions: base: 119x77 height: 113.1mm total length: 119mm total width: 77mm Detailed data in the attachment!...
SPAL 1.6+1.6/216 fan speed controller
Product: NEW Product number: .1.6+1.6/216 SPAL speed control module code 1.6+1.6/216. It is used to control the speed of SPAL fans. It has 3 levels of regulation. Mounting to the fan's side casing....
Product: NEW Product number: 004A4128S Feature: Counterclockwise rotation Application - ventilation and air conditioning for commercial vehicles Single centrifugal fan from SPAL. Technical data: -Supply voltage U=12V DC -Max current consumption I=22.5A -Max efficiency 750 m3/h -Long service life application: dimensions: -base: 131x119-height: 232-total length: 272-total width: 150 Detailed data in the attachment!...
Fan - metal impeller of the air conditioning engine SUTRAK 28,23,01,601
Product: NEW Product number: 282302601, 28,23,02,601,, 88-64-04-00007-00 Fan - metal impeller of SUTRAK air conditioning Catalog number 28,23,02,601 Application: in air conditioning for buses and commercial vehicles...
Air conditioning fan (KONVEKTA) 24V; No. H11-001-220
KONVEKTA 24V air conditioning fan; product number H11-001-220 Air conditioning fan - an integral element of the system responsible for cooling the air entering the vehicle cabin through the ventilation system. Air conditioning in cars, trucks and buses is now standard equipment. It not only helps cool the interior, but is also responsible for the transparency of the windows by removing steam from them. We use it practically all year round, especially in the hot summer, but also in the winter, which is mild and humid. Every air conditioning user should remember to service it regularly, which is recommended once a year. Konvekta 24V air conditioning fan - product features: Regulation: 1-stage Product number: H11-001-220; H11001220 Application: HLK 5 ARS, HKL / ACX 631 air conditioners NEOPLAN buses - SKYLINER / STARLINER / CITYLINER / JETLINER / SPACELINER If you have not found the air conditioning fan you are looking for in our store or you have additional questions about this pr...
Axial Fan SPAL VA21-B37/C-45A - 24V
Product: NEWProduct number: VA21-B37/C-45AFan manufactured by SPAL, type VA21-B37-C-45A - 24VApplication: commercial vehicles and buses...
Product: NEW Product number: 006-A40-22 (engine with turbines), (006A4022) SPAL fan motor part number 006A4022 - supply voltage: U = 12 VDC - axle diameter: ø 8 mm - body diameter: 76 mm - total length: 246 mm (without fans) - application: blower - fan 006-A40-22 Detailed data in the attachment!...
Aurora double blower DRG370 131-102-0064 24V
Product: NewProduct number: 131-102-0064 Double radial blower DRG370 131-102-0064 ; 24VFor exact technical data, click the attachment ...