Fans & Blowers - Spal, Konvekta, Sutrak, Aurora, Eberspaecher, Hispacold

Spal fan 006-A46-22 12V

Spal fan 006-A46-22 12V

Product: NEW Product number: 006-A46-22 Product feature: 3-speed Double centrifugal fan from SPAL. Technical data: Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=17.2A Max efficiency 910 m3/h Long service life dimensions: base: 351x136 height: 140 total length: 351 total width: 167 more news - see attachment ...

net: €62.82
(gross: €77.27 )
Axial fan SPAL VA01-AP70/LL-36A - 12V

Axial fan SPAL VA01-AP70/LL-36A - 12V

Variant: New Product numer : VA01-AP70/LL-36A - REPLACEMENT PRODUCT Feature: suction fan Technical data: fan diameter 305 mm supply voltage U=12V DC max current consumption I=13.9A max efficiency 2780 m3/h application: including construction machinery...

net: €61.42
(gross: €75.55 )
Axial fan SPAL VA01AP70/LL-36S - 12V

Axial fan SPAL VA01AP70/LL-36S - 12V

Variant: NEW Manufacturer's number: VA01-AP70/LL-36S - REPLACEMENT PRODUCT Feature: forcing fan   Technical data: fan diameter 305 mm supply voltage U=12V DC max current consumption I=13.9A max efficiency 2780 m3/h application: including construction machinery  ...

net: €61.42
(gross: €75.55 )
Double Blower 006-B40-22

Double Blower 006-B40-22

Product: NEWProduct number: 006-B40-22 Double radial fan SPAL. Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC max capacity 1050 m3/h max power current I=13,5A long life size: base: 351x136 high: 140 overall length: 351 overall width: 167 ...

net: €60.70
(gross: €74.66 )
SPAL 008A4502 fan

SPAL 008A4502 fan

Product: NEW Product number: 008-A45-02, 3000.3116, (30003116) Product feature: single-speed Mercedes number - 002 830 35 08, 0028303508 Spal radial double fan. Technical data: supply voltage U=12V DC max efficiency 750 m3/h max current consumption I=9.0 A reduced noise level long service life application: including C5/C8 Webasto air conditionerdimensions: base: 310x77 height: 113.5 total length: 310 total width: 128 Detailed data in the attachment! ...

net: €58.56
(gross: €72.03 )
Hispacold 3200728 fan speed controller

Hispacold 3200728 fan speed controller

Product: NEW Product number:3200728 Application: in Hispacold air conditioning fan motors - bus vehicles...

net: €58.33
(gross: €71.75 )
Sutrak DRB100 speed controller 26,09,10,110-01

Sutrak DRB100 speed controller 26,09,10,110-01

Product: NEW Product number: 200823,, 26091011001, 26.09,10,110-01, 88-69-01-00010-00 Fan speed fan, heater Carier - Sutrak 24VDC; 15Amp Application: air conditioning, air vents, number -

net: €57.76
(gross: €71.05 )
Carrier Sutrak DRB60 speed controller 26,09,10,106

Carrier Sutrak DRB60 speed controller 26,09,10,106

Product: NEW Product number:, 260910106, 26.09,10-106, 88-69-01-00009-00 Fan speed controller, heater 24VDC; 15A DRB60 Sutrak number 26,09,10,106, 26/09/10/106, 7513006...

net: €57.76
(gross: €71.05 )
Axial-flow fan SPAL VA07-BP12/C-58S 24V

Axial-flow fan SPAL VA07-BP12/C-58S 24V

Product: New   Product number: VA07-BP12/C-58S Axial fan from SPAL VA07-BP12/C-58S 3010.0464,   Technical data: fan diameter 225 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=4.1A Max efficiency 1220 m3/h Waterproof IP68 long service life reduced noise level application: Webasto C5 air conditioner  ...

net: €57.46
(gross: €70.68 )
24V blower motor 0130007803

24V blower motor 0130007803

Variant: NEW Product number: 0 130 007 803 BOSCH engine catalog number 0130007803 - 24V Dimensions: - engine body diameter: 74 mm - total length: 232.6 mm - axle diameter: 8mm  ...

net: €57.41
(gross: €70.61 )
Axial-flow fan SPAL VA07-BP12/C-58A 24V

Axial-flow fan SPAL VA07-BP12/C-58A 24V

Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0336, (30100336) Feature: suction fan SPAL VA07-BP12/C-58A axial fan 3010.0336 Technical data: fan diameter 225 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=4.1A Max efficiency 1220 m3/h Waterproof IP68 long service life reduced volume  ...

net: €56.53
(gross: €69.53 )
Axial-flow fanr VA07-BP7/C-31S

Axial-flow fanr VA07-BP7/C-31S

Product: NEWProduct number: VA07-BP7/C-31S ; 3010.0345, (30100345) Axail-flow fan Spal nr kat. VA07-BP7/C-31S 3010.0345  Technical data: fan's diameter 225 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=3,5A Max capacity 1060 m3/h waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...

net: €54.98
(gross: €67.63 )
Axial-flow fan VA07-BP7/C-31A

Axial-flow fan VA07-BP7/C-31A

Product: NEWProduct number:  VA07-BP7/C-31A ; 3010.0344, (30100344) Axial-flow fan SPAL. Technical data: fan's diameter 225 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=3,5A Max capacity 1060 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...

net: €54.98
(gross: €67.63 )
SCANIA blower motor 0130111184

SCANIA blower motor 0130111184

Radial fan blower motor BOSCH nr kat. 0130111184. Use: air blower SCANIA  nr 1495692

net: €53.71
(gross: €66.06 )
Axial fan  VA11-BP12/C-57S

Axial fan VA11-BP12/C-57S

Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0456 Axial fan  SPAL nr kat. VA11BP12C57S 3010.0456 fan diameter: 255 mm max diameter with case: 284,5 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 24 VDC max power current: I = 4,1 A capacity: 1450 m3/h longer life lower level of noise      Technical Details in attachment  ...

net: €52.68
(gross: €64.80 )
Axial fan  VA11-AP7/C-29S

Axial fan VA11-AP7/C-29S

Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0371 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA11-AP7/C-29S 3010.0371 fan diameter: 255 mm max diameter with case: 284,5 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: I = 9,2 A capacity: 1250 m3/h longer life ...

net: €52.68
(gross: €64.80 )
Axial fan Spal VA11-AP7/C-57S

Axial fan Spal VA11-AP7/C-57S

Product: NEW Product number: VA11-AP7/C-57S Feature: embossing   Axial fan, axial Spal catalog number VA11-AP7/C-57S code number: 30100320, stamping   Technical Details in attachment...

net: €52.68
(gross: €64.80 )
Axial fan  VA10-AP10C-61A

Axial fan VA10-AP10C-61A

Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0467 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA10-AP10C-61A 3010.0467 fan diameter: 305 mm max diameter with case: 336 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: 7,4 capacity: 1750 m3/h lower level of noise longer life ...

net: €52.51
(gross: €64.59 )
Axial fan  VA10-AP10C-61S

Axial fan VA10-AP10C-61S

Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0469 Axial fan  SPAL nr kat. VA10-AP10C-61S 3010.0469 fan diameter: 305 mm max diameter with case: 336 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: 7,4 A capacity: 1750 m3/h lower level of noise longer life ...

net: €52.51
(gross: €64.59 )
Axial-flow fanVA11-BP7/C-29S

Axial-flow fanVA11-BP7/C-29S

Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0369, (30100369) Axial flow fan SPAL. Techniacl data: fan's diameter 255 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=4,7A Max capacity 1300 m3/h Waterproof carying out IP68 long life      Technical Details in attachment...

net: €51.54
(gross: €63.40 )
Electric blower motor 65123810 - 24V

Electric blower motor 65123810 - 24V

Product : New Product number: 65123810 Product feature: REPLACEMENT PRODUCT   Dual 24V electric motor for fan, heater blowers and blowers for buses and commercial vehicles, replacement, catalog number 65123810 Dimensions:    - engine body diameter: 76 mm   - total length: 238 mm   - axle diameter: 8 mm   - axis length from the brush holder side: 66.70 mm   - axis length from the opposite side: 66.70 mm...

net: €50.55
(gross: €62.18 )
Axial fan VA11-AP7/C-57A

Axial fan VA11-AP7/C-57A

Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0435 Axial fan  SPAL nr kat. VA11-AP7/C-57A 3010.0435 fan diameter: 255 mm max diameter with case: 284,5 mm max high 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC pmax power current: I = 9,5 A longer life lower level of noise 30100435 SSĄCY      Technical Details in attachment...

net: €50.37
(gross: €61.95 )