Nagrzewnica wodna AURORA KKH 151-802-0202 - 24V 1518020202
Product: NEW Product number: 151-802-0202, 1518020202Nagrzewnica wodna KKH z zaworem wodnym firmy AURORA nr kat. 151-802-0202 Dane techniczne: moc grzewcza: 3,6 kW max wydajność przepływu powietrza: 185 m3/h pobór mocy: Pel = 40 W max poziom hałasu: 65 dB(A) napięcie zasilania: U = 24 VDC doprowadzenie wody ...
Nagrzewnica wodna Helios 4000 22.2282.10.5200 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 282105200, 22.2282.10.5200Nagrzewnica wodna Helios 4000numer katalogowy:, 22 2282 10 5200, 222282105200 Napiecie 24 V Zalety wymienników ciepła Eberspächer: uniwersalne zastosowanie niewielkie wymiary duża wydajność cieplna niski poziom hałasu wysoka jakość (ISO 9002) niezawodność bezpieczeństwo potwierdzone znakiem "B" Zastosowanie: mikrobusy samochody dostawcze samochody osobowe samochody ciężarowe autobusy samochody specjalne maszyny rolnicze i budowlane CHAKTERYSTYKA TECHNICZNA: Modułowa konstrukcja Niewielkie wymiary Niski pobór prądu Niewielki poziom hałasu Żywotność dmuchaw 30.000 h Dwa stopnie pracy Zasilanie 24 V ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 443.25A Heating combuition chamber Webasto nr kat. 443.25A use: Thermo 230/300/350 ...
Water heaters AURORA KKH 1518020022 - 24V
Product: NEWProduct number:151-802-0022, (1518020022), 151-802-0222, (1518020222) KKH water heater with water valve by AURORA, part number 1518020022 Technical data: heating power: 3.6 kW max air flow capacity: 185 m3/h power consumption: Pel = 40 W max noise level: 65 dB(A) supply voltage: U = 24 VDC water supply ...
Water heaters AURORA KKH 151-802-0203 - 24V 1518020203
Product: NEW Product number: 151-802-0203, 1518020203 KKH water heater with water valve by AURORA, part no. 151-802-0203 Technical data: heating power: 3.6 kW max air flow capacity: 185 m3/h power consumption: Pel = 40 W max noise level: 65 dB(A) supply voltage: U = 24 VDC water supply ...
Water heaters AURORA KKH 151-802-0205 - 24V 1518020205
Product: NEW Product number: 151-802-0205, 1518020205 KKH water heater with water valve by AURORA, part number 151-802-0205 Technical data: heating power: 3.6 kW max air flow capacity: 185 m3/h power consumption: Pel = 40 W max noise level: 65 dB(A) supply voltage: U = 24 VDC water supply ...
Water heaters AURORA KKH 151-802-0210 - 24V 1518020210
Product: NEW Product number: 151-802-0210, 1518020210 KKH water heater with water valve by AURORA, part number 1518020210 Technical data: heating power: 3.6 kW max air flow capacity: 185 m3/h power consumption: Pel = 40 W max noise level: 65 dB(A) supply voltage: U = 24 VDC water supply ...
Water heaters AURORA KKH 151-802-0212 - 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 151-802-0212, 1518020212 KKH water heater with water valve by AURORA, part no. 1518020212 Technical data: heating power: 3.6 kW max air flow capacity: 185 m3/h power consumption: Pel = 40 W max noise level: 65 dB(A) supply voltage: U = 24 VDC water supply ...
Water heaters AURORA KKH 151-802-0201 - 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 151-802-0201,01518020201 KKH water heater without water valve by AURORA, item no. 1518020201 Technical data: heating power: 3.6 kW max air flow capacity: 185 m3/h power consumption: Pel = 40 W max noise level: 65 dB(A) supply voltage: U = 24 VDC water supply ...
Water pump U4856 AQAVENT 6000SC 11117198A
Product: New Product number: 11117198AWater pump U4856 AQUAVENT 6000SC SPHEROS supply voltage: U = 24 VDC ...
DBW 300 heating head - 1300477B
Product: NEW Product number:1300477B - complete head Application: DBW300 and DBW2020 heating head set. Webasto is used in bus vehicles and other special-purpose structures...
SG1585 NGW/LGW 1303191C controller
Product: NEW Product number : 9006236C, 1303191C, 1320571A Application - Webasto NGW / LGW heating units - 24V - buses and other structures...
Product: NEWProduct number: DBW300; 24VTechnical details: fuel: diesel suplly voltage: 24 VDC heating capacity 30kW power current: 130W fuel consumption: 4,0 l/h size: 680 x 240 x 279 waga - 23,5 kg Application : bus heating - RENAULT, NEOPLAN, SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, MERCEDES, IVECO, SOLBUS, JELCZ, AUTOSAN ...and - rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, cisterns, fire trucks and other bodywork....
Thermo 90 ST 24 V water heating plus installation kit
Product: NEW Product number: Thermo 90 Thermo 90 ST 24 V water heating with installation kit Application - buses, vans, DAF, SCANIA, VOLVO trucks...