Sprężarki - kompresory klimatyzacji 12V/24V - stosowane do pojazdów użytkowych -MAN, MERCEDES, SCANIA, IVECO, RENAULT, JELCZ, AUTOSAN, IRIZAR, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, SOLBUS, VAN HOLL, EVO-BUS i inne oraz części zamienne do tych sprężarek: łożyska, cewki elektromagnertyczne, koła pasowe, uszczelki, sprzęgła elektromagnertyczne i inne....
Dławica kompresora Bitzer 37402312
Product: NEWProduct number:374023012 Dławica kompresora klimatyzacji Bitzer 4/6PFCY 4/6 NFCY Zastosowanie: Man, Iveco, Bova, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Daf.......
Dławica kompresora Bitzer 4PFCY 4NFCY 37402306
Product: NEWProduct number:37402306 Dławica kompresora klimatyzacji Bitzer 4PFCY 4NFCY Zastosowanie: Man, Iveco, Bova, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Daf.......
Compressor - Bitzer Carrier 6PFCY air conditioning compressor
Bitzer compressor - Bitzer Carrier 6PFCY air conditioning compressor The Bitzer Carrier 6PFCY compressor is a bus air conditioning compressor. It is intended for large air conditioning systems and has much higher efficiency compared to compressors installed in passenger cars. The air conditioning system in buses is not only a comfortable travel experience, but practically an obligation. Just a few years ago, it was used especially by coaches of tourist companies serving Southern European countries. Currently, it is also standard equipment in all domestic passenger transport vehicles. BITZER - since 1934, a leading manufacturer of piston and screw refrigeration compressors. Bitzer Carrier 6PFCY compressor - product features: PRODUCT: NEW PRODUCT NUMBER: 6PFCY; 1666802836, 1697011578 Compressor - air conditioning compressor by BITZER type 6 PFCY - capacity 836 cm3 Application - Sutrak bus air conditioning If you have not found the air conditioning compressor you ar...