Air-conditioning - Konvekta, Webasto, Sutrak, Hispacold, UWE

Air-conditioning - Konvekta, Webasto, Sutrak, Hispacold, UWE

This category includes air conditioning for trucks, cars and production buses - VALEO - SPHEROS, WEBASTO, KONVEKTA, EBERSPAECHER, SUTRAK, HISPACOLD, PEDRO SANZ and others as well as components and spare parts for them, among others: air conditioning compressors, control elements , expansion valves, fans, dryer filters, pressure valves and other spare parts.

Czujnik temperatury dla konvectora i kanalu dachowego Burkert  190983

Czujnik temperatury dla konvectora i kanalu dachowego Burkert 190983

Product: NewProduct number: 190983 Czujnik temperatury dla konwektora i kanału dachowego NTC 20 kOhm, Przyłącze 2-biegunowe AMP 6,3mmNr art. 190983 BÜRKERT, Nr art.0704.1.A00 BADER 819.89A - WEBASTO...

Czujnik temperatury wody  NTC 20  Burkert  788170

Czujnik temperatury wody NTC 20 Burkert 788170

Product: NewProduct number: 788170Czujnik temperatury dla temperatury zewnętrznej NTC 20 kOhmPrzyłącze: końcówka kabla dla śrub M6Długość przewodu 3m, otwarte końcówkiprzewoduNr art. 0703.1.A00 ( BADER )Nr art. 788 170 ( BÜRKERT )...

Burkert 166522 air conditioning controller

Burkert 166522 air conditioning controller

Product: New Product number: 166522   Air conditioning controller type 8660 Special version of the 8660 controller for SOLARIS buses Article no. 166522 BÜRKERT...

Control unit Burkert  131909

Control unit Burkert 131909

Product: NewProduct number: Type  8660 , 131909, 00131909 Control unit Burkert - version 8660, 24V, nr. 131909, s/n1872  - use - buses Neoplan, Solaris...

KR487 air conditioning controller Burkert 788166

KR487 air conditioning controller Burkert 788166

Product: New Product number: 788166   Air conditioning controller type KR487 (SOLARIS VACANZA) Art. no. 788 166 (BURKERT)...

Air conditioning controller KR 485 Burkert 788169

Air conditioning controller KR 485 Burkert 788169

Product: New Product number: 788169   Air conditioning controller type KR 485 Type KR 485 (NEOPLAN EUROLINER) Art. no. 788 169 (BÜRKERT) Art. no. 485.1.A01 (BADER)...