AIRTRONIC D2 control box 12 V 225101003001
Product: NEW Product number: 225101003001, 22.5101.00.3001, 22 5101 00 3001 Cassette controlling the heating in an air heating unit manufactured by EBERSPAECHER AIRTRONIC D2 - 12V version Catalog number - 225101003001, 225101001001 Application to generators in commercial vehicles: - MERCEDES, MAN, SCANIA, IVECO, RENAULT, DAF - driver's cabins in public transport buses...
AIRTRONIC D4 control box 225101003005; 12V
Product: NEW Product number: 22510100305, 22.5101.00.3005, 22 5101 00 3005 Control box for the AIRTRONIC D 4 12V heating unit, catalog number - 225101003005 and 225101001005, Application: in units for DAF, MERCEDES, VOLVO etc. commercial vehicles and in special structures...
AIRTRONIC D4 control box 225102001003; 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 225102001003, 22.5102.00.1003, 22 5102 00 1003 AIRTRONIC D4 control cassette 225102001003 ; 24V Application: in units for DAF, MERCEDES, VOLVO, etc. commercial vehicles and in special structures...
AIRTRONIC mini-regulator 221000320700
Product: NEW Product number: 22 1000 32 07 00 AIRTRONIC Eberspacher mini-regulator part no. 22 1000 32 07 00 use: air heating AIRTRONIC voltage: 12/24 VDC temperature regulation, switch heating and windly built in (only to air heating)...
Control box 251818540012 Hydronic 24
Product: NEW Product number: 251818540012; 25.1818.54.0012, 25 1818 54 0012 Application: Hydronic 24 heating units, used in commercial vehicles, buses, rail vehicles and various types of special structures...
Product: NEWProduct number: 22 5201 01 90 02 Control unit 12V folder number 22 5201 01 90 02 Eberspaecher use: D5WS, D5WSC ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 25 18 18 53 0010
D1LC control box 251689500015 - 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 251689500015, 25.1689.50.0015, 25 1689 50 0015, 5HB00549409 Eberspaecher 24V control unit for D1LC units, part number: 251689500015; 5HB00549409...
Product: NEWProduct number: 22 1000 30 14 00 Mini Timer Eberspaecher nr kat. 22 1000 30 14 00 use: air heating version B1LC Universal 12V, B5LC Universal 12V, B5L Universal 12V, D1LC 24V, D1LC Universal 12V, D1LC Universal 24V, D1LE Universal 12/24V, D5LC Universal 12/24V, D3W Universal 12V voltage: 12/24 VDC ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 22 1000 32 35 00 Mini timer 12/24V Eberspaecher nr kat. 22 1000 32 35 00 voltage: 12/24V water and air hetaing controlling programming and i activation 3 times turning on with introducing to 24hours ...
Pilot EasySTART R 221000328500
Product: NEWProduct number: 22 1000 32 85 00 Water and air heating. Pilot to disatance control EasySTART R nr kat. 22 1000 32 85 00 Eberspaecher EasyStart R is distance control with pilot range to 1000m. LED diode informed user about being in range . It working as self-contained element or it can cooperate with earlier monted timmer ES T, it increase possibility heating operation about distance control. It strart windly after monted extra switch heating/windly....
Pilot EasySTART R Plus 221000328000
Product: NEWProduct number: 221000328000 (22.1000.32.8000) Cecha: ogrzewania wodne i powietrznePilot zdalnego ogrzewania EasySTART R Plus nr kat. 22 1000 32 80 00 firmy Eberspaecher EasyStart R+ to komfortowe zdalne sterowanie z pilotem wyposażonym w wyświetlacz LCD. Posiada funkcje programatora, informuje użytkownika o przebywaniu w zasięgu oraz o temperaturze we wnętrzu pojazdu. W kombinacji z ogrzewaniem powietrznym Airtronic umożliwia zdalną regulację temperatury. Zasięg działania - do 1000m. Obsługuje funkcję wietrzenia (uruchamia dmuchawę pojazdu przez co schładza wnętrze za pomocą powietrza z zewnątrz)....
Potentiometric switch 24V 251768710000
Product: NEWProduct number: 25 1768 71 00 00 Potentiometric switch 24V Eberspaecher nr kat. 25 1768 71 00 00 use: air heating without compact voltage: 24 VDC order together with wiring harness 22 1000 30 02 00 ...
Potentiometric switch 24V 251896710000
Product: NEWProduct number: 25 1896 71 00 00 Potentiometric switch 24V Eberspaecher nr kat. 25 1896 71 00 00 use: air heating version compact voltage: 24 VDC change-over switch:heating/windly ...
Potentiometric switch12V 251895710000
Product: NEWProduct number: 25 1895 71 00 00 Potentiometric switch 12V Eberspaecher nr kat. 25 1895 71 00 00 use:air heating version compact voltage: 12 VDC change-over switch: heating/ windly ...
Switch EasySTART T 221000328800
Product: NEWProduct number: 22 1000 32 88 00 Water and air heating. Switch EasySTART T 12/24V nr kat. 22 1000 32 88 00 Eberspaecher When you use timer EasyStart T , you can directly turn on heating bottom or use for programotor option. Timmer have 3 member chamber. You can also code hou, in which car must be ready to go with being ahead to 7 days. With cooperate with air heating Airtronic is repalcing with mini regulator. (digital regulation of temperature)....
Zegar modułowy 12/24V 221000303800
Product: NEWProduct number: 221000303800 (22.1000.30.3800) Zegar modułowy 12/24V Eberspaecher nr kat. 22 1000 30 38 00 zastosowanie: steruje ogrzewaniami powietrznymi, compact, Airtronic napięcie zasilania: 12/24 VDC ...