Kategoria zawiera zaciski hamulcowe produkcji Knorr-Bremse - nowe i regenerowane wyroby - w zakładce akcesoria znajdują się podstawowe zestawy naprawcze do każdego z zacisków .
Zacisk hamulca Mercedes A 002 420 81 83
Produkt: po naprawieNr producenta: SN7081, K000782 Zacisk hamulcowy Mercedes Citaro, Evobus nr A 002 420 81 83, 0024208183Inne numery - 0024201583, 9424201601, 9424201701, 9424202001, 9424202201, 002 420 81 83 9424202501, 9424203801, 9424205001, 9444201101 , 91.03.013Dane techniczne : przyłącze siłownika: poosiowe A kąt pomiędzy siłownikiem a osią pojazdu: -12 do wielkości kół: 22,5" strona: LEWY czujnik zużycia: potencjometr ciągły cross: SB7648, SN7211, II32798, K003800 Kaucja za brak zwrotu starej sztuki - 450 PLN - po dokonaniu zwrotu jednostka jest weryfikowana (stara sztuka - zwracana musi być kompletna , brak jakiegokolwiek elementu zewnętrznego jak i wewnetrznego zwracanej starej sztuki skutkuje zmniejszeniem zwrotu kaucji do 30 % wartości kaucji ) jeżeli jest kompletna następuje zwrot 100% kaucji na wskazany przez nabywcę rachunek bankowy . ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7200, K000258, K003193Vehicle Applications: SCANIA 4 SERIES TRUCK; SCANIA 5 SERIES; SCANIA BUS Technical Details: Weight [Kg] 52.00 kg Has opposite handed versionK000259 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7122, K003193, II37423 Vehicle Applications: SCANIA BUS; SCANIA 4 SERIES TRUCKTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 51.00 kg Has opposite handed versionII37424 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7202, K001589,SB7212, K0040946, K001590Vehicle Applications: 4 SERIES Truck; 5 SERIES; 3 SERIES Bus Technical Details: Weight [Kg] 52.00 kg Has opposite handed versionK001590 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7202, K001589, K040946Vehicle Applications: SCANIA 4 SERIES TRUCK; SCANIA 5 SERIES; SCANIA 3 BUSTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 52.00 kg Has opposite handed versionK001590 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7210, K000259, K003192 Vehicle Applications: SCANIA BUS; SCANIA 4 SERIES TRUCK; SCANIA 5 SERIESTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 52.00 kg Has opposite handed versionK000258 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Fixed Bearing Position Left Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7132, II37424, K003192Vehicle Applications: SCANIA SERIES 4 TRUCK ; SCANIA BUSTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 51.00 kg Has opposite handed versionII37423 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Fixed Bearing Position Left Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7202, K001589,SB7212, K001590 Vehicle Applications: SCANIA SERIES 4 TRUCK ; SCANIA SERIES 5; SCANIA 3 BUSTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 52.00 kg Has opposite handed versionK001590 Brake type Radial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +86 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Caliper brake Man Knorr-bremse SN7125 ; K003816
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: SN7125 ; K003816 Vehicle Applications: Man M2000; Man L2000, Bus Man number - 81508046512, 81508046510 Technical Details: Has opposite handed version K001313 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +8 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Caliper Brake Man Knorr-Bremse SN7135 ; K003815
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: SN7135Vehicle Applications: Man M2000; Man L2000, Bus Man Number: 81508046513, 81508046511 Technical Details: Has opposite handed versionK001312 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +8 Fixed Bearing Position Left Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Caliper Brake Mercedes A0034209283, SK7017, K012634
Variant: NEW PRODUCTNumber of producer: SK 7052 ; K012634Technical Details: Has opposite handed version K012633 Brake type Axial ...
Caliper Brake MAN K003811, SN7096
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: K003811; SN7096 : K014998Vehicle Applications: MAN M2000; MAN L2000; BUSTechnical Details: Has opposite handed versionK000993 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 Fixed Bearing Position Left Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Caliper Brake MAN K003812 , SN7086
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SN7086 ; K014997; K003812Vehicle Applications: MAN M2000; MAN L2000; BUSTechnical Details: Has opposite handed versionK000994 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Caliper Brake Bova SB7698, II34604
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7698, II34604Vehicle Applications: BOVA BUSTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 47.00 kg Has opposite handed versionII34603 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 Fixed Bearing Position Left Wear sensor In-pad ...
Zacisk hamulca Bova SB7688 , II34603
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7688, II34603Vehicle Applications: BOVA BUSTechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 47.00 kg Has opposite handed version II34604 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor In-pad ...
Caliper Brake BPW SN6517 , K001546
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: SN6517 ; K001546Vehicle Applications: BPW TRAILER AXLETechnical Details: Weight [Kg] 34.00 kg Has opposite handed versionK001545 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 19,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] +5 Fixed Bearing Position Left ...
Zacisk hamulcowy Knorr-Bremse SK7007, K010277
Produkt: po naprawieNumer wyrobu: SK 7007 ; K010277Zastosowanie : pojazdy uzytkowe i naczepy SMB, SAF, ROR, MERCEDES, DAF, IVECO......K001481 SK7026, K001908 SK7001, K003400 SK7002, K003453 SK7004, K004674 SK7006, K009744 SK7004, K009746 SK7001, K010277 SK7007, K010277DC SK7007AT, K010279 SK7007, K023796 SK7009. K028024 SK7025, K050921 SK7026, K055525 SK7026, K060813 SK7026, Sk7042 K012633 Przylacze silownika: promieniowe ( R ), poosiowe (A)A Kat pomiedzy silownikiem, a osia pojazdu0 Prowadnica górna: prawa (R)/lewa (L)R do wielkosci kól22,5" Kaucja za brak zwrotu starej sztuki - 450 PLN - po dokonaniu zwrotu jednostka jest weryfikowana (stara sztuka - zwracana musi być kompletna , brak jakiegokolwiek elementu zewnętrznego jak i wewnetrznego zwracanej starej sztuki skutkuje zmniejszeniem zwrotu kaucji do 30 % wartości kaucji ) jeżeli jest kompletna następuje zwrot 100% kaucji na wskazany przez nabywcę rachunek bankowy ....
Caliper Brake SCANIA IRIZAR SB7756, II36803
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7756, K036803 Technical Details: Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] -12 Fixed Bearing Position Left Weight [Kg] 46.60 kg ...
Caliper Brake SCANIA IRIZAR SB7746, II36802
Variant: REMANUFACTURED Number of producer: SB7746, K036802 Technical Details: Weight [Kg] 46.60 kg Has opposite handed versionII36803 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] -12 Fixed Bearing Position Right ...
Caliper Brake SCANIA IRIZAR SB7757, II36805
Product: REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: SB7757, II36805, K003805 Technical Details: Has opposite handed versionII36804 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 ...
Caliper Brake Neoplan Cityliner SB7793, II37381
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7793Vehicle Applications: Auwärter RadköpfeTechnical Details: Has opposite handed versionII37380 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 Fixed Bearing Position Left Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...
Caliper Brake Neoplan Cityliner SB7783, II37380
Variant: REMANUFACTUREDNumber of producer: SB7783Vehicle Applications: Auwärter RadköpfeTechnical Details: Has opposite handed versionII37381 Brake type Axial To suit wheel size 22,5" Angle of Actuator centre line to axis of axle [deg.] 0 Fixed Bearing Position Right Wear sensor Continuous Potentiometer ...