Variant: NEWProduct number: SPAL FAN VA08-BP10/C-23AFeature: SUCTION fanSPAL axial fanTechnical data:Fan diameter 350 mmSupply voltage U=24V DCMax efficiency 1680 m3/h CURRENCIES 3.6A WATERPROOF DESIGN IP68...
Product: NEW Product number: 001-B53-03S Single centrifugal fan from SPAL Technical data: -Supply voltage U=24V DC -Max current consumption I=6.7A -Max efficiency 440 m3/h -Long service life dimensions: -base: 88x88-height: 232-total length: 208.7=total width: 158.9 Detailed data in the attachment!...
Variant: NEWProduct number: SPAL FAN VA08-BP10/C-23SFeature: FORCING fanSPAL axial fanTechnical data:Fan diameter 350 mmSupply voltage U=24V DCMax efficiency 1680 m3/h...
Variant: NEWProduct number: SPAL FAN VA08-AP10/C-23SFeature: FORCING fanSPAL axial fanTechnical data:Fan diameter 350 mmSupply voltage U=12V DCMax efficiency 1620 m3/h CURRENCIES 6.1A WATERPROOF DESIGN IP68...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.2538, (30102538) Axial-flow fan SPAL. New version of fan desigantion VA03-BP1-37A 3010.0165 Technical data: fan's diameter 280 mm supply volatge U=24V DC Max power current I=8,7A Max capacity 2510 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...
Axail-flow fan. New version of fan desigantion VA03-BP1-37S 3010.0164 Technical data: fan's diameter 280 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=8,7A Max wydajność 2510 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA15-BP70/LL-39A, 3010.2556, (30102556) Axial-flow fan SPAL. New version of fan designation VA15-BP1-39A 3010.0172 Technical data: fan's diameter 255 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=6,4A Max capacity 2070 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...
Product: NEW Producer number: 3010.0452 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA07-AP12/C-58A 3010.0452 fan diameter: 225 mm max diameter with case: 247 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: I = 7,7 A capacity: 1200 m3/h lower level of noise higher service cycle made IP68Technical Details in attachment ...
Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0442 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA07-AP8/C-58A 3010.0442 fan diameter: 225 mm max diameter with case: 247 mm max high 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: I = 6,2 A capacity: 1100 m3/h lower level of noise higher service cycle made IP68 Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0338 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA07-AP7/C-31A 3010.0338 Technical data: fan diameter 225 mm max diameter with case 247 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage U= 12 VDC Max power current I= 7,7 A Max capacity 1060 m3/h long life Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0381 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA07-AP12/C-31S 3010.0381 Technical data: fan diameter 225 mm max diameter with case: 247 mm max high: 52 mm Supply voltage U= 12 VDC Max power current I= 6,6A Max capacity 1000 m3/h long life Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3000.1516, (30001516) Radial single fan SPAL. Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=11,5A Max capacity 750 m3/h Long life 4th stage speed governor Use: air conditioner C300 Webasto size: base: 131x119 high: 232 overall length: 272 overall width: 150 ...
Product: NEW Product number: 3010.1802 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA10-BP50C-25A 3010.1802 fan diameter: 305 mm diameter with case: 336 mm max high: 63 mm supply voltage: U = 24 VDC max power current: I = 6,1 A capacity: 2060 m3/h longer life ...
Product: NEW Product number: 008-A37/C-42D Feature: Clockwise rotation Single centrifugal fan by SPAL, catalog number 008A37C42D technical data: supply voltage: 12 VDCmax current consumption: 2.2 Amax efficiency: 260 m3/hincreased service lifereduced noise level dimensions: base: 119x77height: 113.5total length: 119total width: 128 more news - see attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: 006-A22-26D i 010-A70-74D Single radial fan SPAL. Technical data: Supply voltage U=12V DC Max power current I=19A Max capacity 490 m3/h size: base: 133x136 high: 140 li>Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 009B4022, 3000.0528, (30000528) Double radial fan Spal 009-B40-22 . Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=13A Max capacity 1050 m3/h long life Reduced level of noise 3rd stage of speed governorr use: air conditioner C240 Webasto size: base: 335x100 high: 145 overall length: 335 overall width: 164,5 ...
Product: NEW Product number: 009-B70-74D, (009B7074D) Centrifugal fan manufactured by SPAL, catalog number 009-B70-74D Interchangeable with fan 009-B22-26D Voltage - 24V ; current consumption 19.6Amp; efficiency 560 m3/h Application - commercial vehicles, construction machines and others Detailed data in the attachment!...
Single Radial Blower Spal 010-A70-74D
Product: NEW Product number: 010-A70-74D Single centrifugal fan from SPAL. Technical data: Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=19A Max efficiency 530 m3/h with 3-stage speed controller dimensions: base: 117.5x127 height: 140.2 total length: 117 total width: 167.5...
Product: NEW Product number: 006-B40-22 SPAL double radial fan, 3-speed Technical data: -supply voltage U=24V DC -max efficiency 1050 m3/h -max current consumption I=13.5A -long service life dimensions: -base: 351x136-height: 140-total length: 351-total width: 167...
Product: NEW Product number: 006-A39-22 (engine with turbines), (006A3922) SPAL fan motor part number 006A3922 - supply voltage: U = 12 VDC - axle diameter: ø 8 mm - body diameter: 76 mm - total length: 246 mm (without fans) - application: blower - fan 006-A39-22...
Silnik wentylatora 011-A40-22 z wiatrakami
Wariant: NOWYNumer wyrobu: silnik wentylatora 011-A40 Wentylator promieniowy podwójny firmy SPAL.Dane techniczne: Napięcie zasilania U=12V DC Max pobór prądu I=21,7A Max wydajność 900 m3/h Długa żywotność wymiary:długość całkowita z wiatraczkami : mmśrednica korpusu silnika : 76średnica oski silnika : 8 mm ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 006-B50-22, (006B5022) Double radial fan SPAL. Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=16,7A Max capacity 1160 m3/h long life size: base: 351x136 high: 140 overall length: 351 overall width: 167 ...