Axial fan SPAL VA01-AP70/LL-36A - 12V
VARIANT : NEWNumer wyrobu: VA01-AP70/LL-36A Feature: suction fan Technical data: fan diameter 305 mm supply voltage U=12V DC max current consumption I=13.9A max efficiency 2780 m3/h IP68 waterproof version long service life application: including construction machinery Detailed data in the attachment!...
Fan (009-B40/IET-22) with smooth speed control
Variant: NEW Manufacturer number: replaces 009-B40/IET-22 Product feature - REPLACEMENT Mercedes number - 002 830 96 08, 0028309608, 80523A Spal 009-B40/IET-22 radial double fan. Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC Max current consumption I=13A Max efficiency 1050 m3/h Long service life Reduced noise level Equipped with a specialized speed regulator dimensions: base: 335x100 height: 145 total length: 335 total width: 164 ...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA14-AP7/C-34SFeature: pressing fan Axial fan from SPAL. Technical data: Fan diameter 190 mm Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=4.3A Max efficiency 590 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life ...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA14-AP7/34A, (VA14AP734A) Feature: Suction fan Axial fan from SPAL. Technical data: Fan diameter 190 mm Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=4.4 A Max efficiency 620 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life...
Axial fan Spal VA11-BP12/C-57A
Product: NEWProduct number: VA11-BP12/C-57A Feature: Suction fan SPAL axial fan, part no. VA11BP12C57A fan diameter: 255 mm max diameter with housing: 284.5 mm max height: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 24 VDC max current consumption: I = 4.1 A capacity: 1450 m3/h increased service life reduced noise level Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA10-AP50/C-25S Feature: pressing fan SPAL axial fan, part no. VA10-AP50/C-25S fan diameter: 305 mm diameter with housing: 336 mm max height: 62.1 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max load current: I = 8.2 A efficiency: 1710 m3/h Detailed data in the attachment!...
axial fan Spal VA15-AP70/LL-39A
Product: NEWProduct number: VA15-AP70/LL-39A ; VA15-AP1-39A, (VA15AP139A) Feature: Suction fan Axial fan from SPAL. New version of the fan marked VA15-AP1-39A Technical data: Fan diameter 255 mm Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=10.5A Max efficiency 1870 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life Detailed data in the attachment!...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA15-AP70/LL-39S ; VA15-AP1-39S, (VA15AP139S) - WYRÓB ORYGINALNY Feature: pressing fan Axial fan from SPAL. New version of the fan marked VA15-AP1-39S Technical data: Fan diameter 255 mm Supply voltage U=12V DC Max current consumption I=9.6A Max efficiency 1750 m3/h IP68 waterproof design Long service life Detailed data in the attachment!...
Product: NEW Product number: 009-A22-26D, (009A2226D) Centrifugal fan manufactured by SPAL, catalog number 009-A22-26D Interchangeable with fan 009-A70-74D Voltage - 12V ; current consumption 19.6Amp; efficiency 530 m3/h Application - commercial vehicles, construction machines and others Detailed data in the attachment!...
Product: NEW Product number:008-B45-2D Double centrifugal fan from SPAL. Technical data: supply voltage U=24V DC max efficiency 400 m3/h max current consumption I=5.7A long service life dimensions: base: 119x77 height: 113.1mm total length: 119mm total width: 77mm Detailed data in the attachment!...
Axial Fan SPAL VA21-B37/C-45A - 24V
Product: NEWProduct number: VA21-B37/C-45AFan manufactured by SPAL, type VA21-B37-C-45A - 24VApplication: commercial vehicles and buses...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0388 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA09-AP12/C-27A 3010.0388 fan diameter: 280 mm max diameter with case: 310 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: I = 9,2 A capacity: 1420 m3/h longer life ...
Single radial blower 004-B41-28S
Product: NEWProduct number: 3000.1514, (30001514) Single radial blower SPAl: Technical data: Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=11,5A Max capacity 750 m3/h long life use: air conditioner C300 Webasto size: base: 131x119high: 232overall length: 272overall width: 150 ...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA14-BP7/C-34A; 3010.0342, (30100342) Axial-flow fan SPAL. Technical data: Fan's diameter 190 mm Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=2,5A Max capacity 740 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0343, (30100343) Axial-flow fan SPAL. Technical data: Fan's diameter 190 mm Supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=2,5A Max capacity 740 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 Long life ...
Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0481 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA11-AP8/C-57A 3010.0481 fan diameter: 255 mm max diameter with case: 284,5 mm max high: 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC max power current: I = 6,5 A capacity: 1150 m3/h longer life lower level of noise Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEW Product number: VA11-AP7/C-57S Feature: embossing Axial fan, axial Spal catalog number VA11-AP7/C-57S code number: 30100320, stamping Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0369, (30100369) Axial flow fan SPAL. Techniacl data: fan's diameter 255 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=4,7A Max capacity 1300 m3/h Waterproof carying out IP68 long life Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: 3010.0368, (30100368) Technical data: fan's diameter 255 mm supply voltage U=24V DC Max power current I=4,7A Max capacity 1300 m3/h Waterproof carrying out IP68 long life Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEW Product number: 3010.0435 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA11-AP7/C-57A 3010.0435 fan diameter: 255 mm max diameter with case: 284,5 mm max high 52 mm supply voltage: U = 12 VDC pmax power current: I = 9,5 A longer life lower level of noise 30100435 SSĄCY Technical Details in attachment...
Product: NEWProduct number: VA10-BP50/C-61S...
Product: NEW Product number: 3010.1802 Axial fan SPAL nr kat. VA10-BP50C-25A 3010.1802 fan diameter: 305 mm diameter with case: 336 mm max high: 63 mm supply voltage: U = 24 VDC max power current: I = 6,1 A capacity: 2060 m3/h longer life ...