Air-conditioning - Konvekta, Webasto, Sutrak, Hispacold, UWE

Air-conditioning - Konvekta, Webasto, Sutrak, Hispacold, UWE

This category includes air conditioning for trucks, cars and production buses - VALEO - SPHEROS, WEBASTO, KONVEKTA, EBERSPAECHER, SUTRAK, HISPACOLD, PEDRO SANZ and others as well as components and spare parts for them, among others: air conditioning compressors, control elements , expansion valves, fans, dryer filters, pressure valves and other spare parts.



VARIANT: NEW TECHNICAL DATA: VOLTAGE 26V (16-32V) DC 260W SPEED 2400 RPM no. cat.: 11122719A 11122719B 11114716 11114716A 11114716B 11114716C 22306119 228345922372612 2476748 VA97BBL313103A VA97-BBL313-103A AM4723 AM 4723 APPLICATION: MAN, MERCEDES, SETRA, NEOPLAN, VOLVO...

net: €330.69
(gross: €406.75 )
Air conditioning tank 11120595A

Air conditioning tank 11120595A

Product: NEW Product number: 11120595A Other numbers: 1102499A Application: Irisbus Iveco, Scania, Mercedes, Man, Neoplan, Solaris air conditioning systems...

net: €292.82
(gross: €360.17 )
Refrigerant receiver Webasto 91910C

Refrigerant receiver Webasto 91910C

Product: NEWProduct number: 91910C Refrigerant receiver 91910C, A0008302183, 81779716175Application: MERCEDES, SETRA, MAN, NEOPLAN...

net: €277.32
(gross: €341.10 )
BUS TOP II roof hatch motor 33695J; 83731206517

BUS TOP II roof hatch motor 33695J; 83731206517

Variant: NEW Product number: 336956, 33695J Product feature: PRODUCT SPHEROS< WEBASTO, MAN   BUS TOP II roof hatch motor with catalog number 336956, 33695J - 24V Application - city and intercity transport vehicles - MERCEDES, SCANIA, MAN etc....

net: €214.02
(gross: €263.25 )
Roof hatch motor BUS TOP PREMIUM 1301344A

Roof hatch motor BUS TOP PREMIUM 1301344A

Product: NEW Product number: 1301344A BUS TOP PREMIUM roof hatch electric motor Catalog number 1301344A manufactured by SPHEROS - WEBASTO   Application - MERCEDES CONECTO bus vehicles -11116492A, A0008201872 INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE ATTACHMENT...

Roof hatch motor BUS TOP PREMIUM 1300345A

Roof hatch motor BUS TOP PREMIUM 1300345A

Product: NEW Product number: 1300345A BUS TOP PREMIUM roof hatch motor by SPHEROS-WEBASTO with catalog number 1300345A Application: bus vehicles, e.g. MERCEDES CONECTO Mercedes No. - A0008201872, 0008201872   INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE ATTACHMENT...

Blower fan K3G097-BK34-63

Blower fan K3G097-BK34-63

Product: NEW Product number: K3G097-AK34-63 Other numbers: 1103785B,02100050000, 0321-100-002, 05-3785, 1103-00050-000, 1103785A, 1103785B, 1111267A, 28200106100, 83779306517, 9903950, K3G097-BK34-63, K3G097-BK34-65, Application: in air conditioning from Konvecta, Eberspaecher and others in MAN, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, MERCEDES and other bus vehicles... Technical data: - voltage - 24V - power - 344W - fan dimensions: length - 335mm x width 135mm x height 140mm - dimensions of air outlet channels: 2 channels 105mm x 60 mm ...

net: €207.87
(gross: €255.68 )
Spheros fan 11122717B

Spheros fan 11122717B

PRODUCT: NEW PRODUCT NUMBER: 11122717B Technical data:       - voltage - 26V (16-32V) DC; 195W     - revolutions - 3020 RPM Cross: 11113528, 11113528A, 11113528C, 11122717B, 300832, 81779306094, A0038305108, VA82BBL31094A...

net: €200.95
(gross: €247.17 )
Roof hatch motor control 1301221C Bus Top Premium

Roof hatch motor control 1301221C Bus Top Premium

Product: NEW Product number: 1301221C BUS TOP PREMIUM roof hatch motor by SPHEROS-WEBASTO with catalog number 1301221C Other numbers : 0005482711 , A0005482711, 81.25935-6872 , 1301670A Application: bus vehicles, e.g. MERCEDES CONECTO   INFORMATION IN THE ATTACHMENT...

net: €166.31
(gross: €204.56 )
Filtr klimatyzacji 1112377A

Filtr klimatyzacji 1112377A

Product: NEWProduct number: 1112377A Filtr klimatyzacji nr kat. 1112377AZastosowanie: Klimatyzacje Spheros...

net: €121.82
(gross: €149.84 )
Air conditioning filter dryer 1103294A

Air conditioning filter dryer 1103294A

Variant: NEW Product number:  1103294A   Dryer filter 7/8" 700 cm Sutrak air conditioning Application: air conditioning buses Iveco, Man, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Volvo, Jelcz, Autosan, Solaris, Neoplan, Solbus... Other numbers: 1857697, 66555, 66555A  ...

net: €102.37
(gross: €125.91 )
Spheros 11117544A dehumidifier filter

Spheros 11117544A dehumidifier filter

Product: NEW Product number: 11117544A Dryer filter 7/8" 700 cm Spheros-Valeo air conditioning Spheros-Valeo catalog number 11117544A Other numbers: 11115177A,1101972B,60652185, ADK305, 11111729B Application: air conditioning and air vents buses Iveco, Man, Scania, Mercedes, Renault, Volvo, Jelcz, Autosan, Solaris, Neoplan, Solbus......

net: €64.54
(gross: €79.38 )