Burner AIR-TOP 2000 12/24 V 65786A
Product: NEWProduct number: 65786A Heating torch AT2000 - 2000S, version DIESEL 12V or 24V...
Burner gasket 468827 HL 24/32, Air-Top 24/32
Product: NEW Product number: 468827, 1319447A Burner gasket, catalog number 468827, for heating units Air-Top 24/32, HL 24/32; application commercial vehicles...
Burner insert HL18/Air-Top 18 117827, 1319260A
Product: NEW Product number: 117827, 1319260A Insert, burner lining HL-18, Air-Top 18 catalog number 117827; application commercial vehicles...
Burner insert HL24.32/Air-Top 24.32 117835
Product: NEW Product number: 117835, 1319261A Burner insert (lining) catalog number 117835 for HL 18/32 and Ait-Top 18/32 heating units; application commercial vehicles...
Burner of the AT3900/AT5500 EVO unit 1313132B
Product: NEW Product number: 1313132B, 1313132A Application: in Webasto AT3900 and AT5500 EVO air heating units...
Burner set 1302796A AIR-TOP 2000 ST ; 24V
Product: NEW Product number: 1302796A, 1322848A Burner set for the AIR-TOP 2000 ST heating unit WITH GLOW PIN Application - commercial vehicles MAN, MERCEDES, SCANIA, VOLVO, IVECO, DAF and others.........
Product: NEWProduct number: 65788B, 65788C, 1322648A burner set. 65788B,Cinclude: burner 65786A heat burner 82307B flame sensor 82306B ...
Burner setl.AIR-TOP 2000 12 V 65787A
Product: NEWProduct number: 65787A Burner set include: burner heat stick flame sensor ...
Burner without glow pin Air-Top 3500ST/5000ST 9004220A
Product: NEW Product number: 9004220A Burner without pin - glow stick for air heating Air-Top 3500ST/5000ST by WEBASTO...
Electronic control unit 24V SG1580 Air-Top 3500ST 9009683A
Product : NEWProduct number : 9009683AKaseta sterująca - sterownik agregatu grzewczego Air-Top 3500ST produkcji WEBASTO o numerze katalogowym 9009683A - zastosowanie jachty, łodzie...
Electronic control unit SG1580 24V Air-Top 3500ST 9006821A
Product : NEWProduct number : 9006821A Kaseta sterująca - sterownik agregatu grzewczego Air-Top 3500ST produkcji WEBASTO o numerze katalogowym 9006821A...
Electronic control unit SG1580 24V Air-Top 5000ST do jachtów 9009686A
Product : NEWProduct number : 9009686AKaseta sterujaca - sterownik 24V typ SG1580 do agregatów Air-Top 5000ST produkcji WEBASTO onumerze katalogowym 9009686A - zastosowanie - łodzie, jachty...
Flame detection photocell 82306C
Product: NEWProduct number: 82306B,C, 1322407A Flame detection photocell nr kat. 823.06Bflame sensor...
Flame detection photocell AIR-TOP 2000 ST 9005096A
Product: NEWProduct number : 9005096A, 1322426A Flame detection photocell nr kat. 9005096A ...
Flame detection photocell HL24/32/Air-Top 24/32 465305
Product: NEW Product number: 465305 Flame detection photocell to heatings aggregates HL 24/32- Air-Top 24/32 folder number 465305 ; use: utility vehicles...
Flame detection photocell HL90 ; 35951B;35951A
Product: NEW Product number: 35951BFlame detection photocell ...
Flame detection photocell HL90 1316888A
Product: NEWProduct number : 1316888AFlame detection photocell HL90 zastosowanie pojazdy użytkowenumer katalogowy 1316888A, 1316888B ...
Product: NEW Product number: 21176A Cover of the HL90 24V unit from the air intake side - application in commercial vehicles catalog number 21176A...
Fuel pump 24V Air-Top 18, HL-18, 85155A
Product: NEW Product number: 85155A, 85155B Fuel pump for the Air-Top 18 and HL-18 24V heating unit...
Fuel pump DP30 24V Air-Top 3500ST/5000ST 90379B
Product: NEW Product number: 90379B, 90379A Fuel pump without silencer DP30 24V for Air-Top 3500ST/5000ST air heaters manufactured by WEBASTO...
Fuel pump to aggregates HL 9511, HL9512, 399639
Product: NEWProduct number: 399639 Fuel pump to aggregates HL9511,9512 use in utility vehicles folder number 399639, 399612 capacity 2,9 l...
Gasket (for combustion chamber) 115379 Air-top 18,/ HL18
Product: NEW Product number: 115379, 1319690A Air-top 18/HL18 heating gasket for combustion chamber fi 69, catalog number 115379...