Ogrzewania powietrzne HL 90 i inne o mocy powyżej 8 kW oraz podzespoły do tych agregatów
Zewnętrzna pokrywa HL90 34489A
Product: NEWProduct number : 34489AOsłona zewnętrzna agregatu HL90 - zastosowanie pojazdy użytkowenumer katalogowy 34489A...
Product: NEWProduct number : 34060CWiazka elektryczna do agregatu HL90 24V zastosowanie pojazdy użytkowenumer katalogowy 34060C...
Wentylator kanałowy HL90 84986A
Product: NEWProduct number : 84986AWentylator kanałowy boczny do agregatów HL90 zastosowanie pojazdy użytkowenumer katalogowy 84986A ...
Product: NEWProduct number : 33714AWentylator do silnika agregatu HL90 24V zastosowanie pojazdy użytkowenumer katalogowy 33714A...
Temperature limiter HL90 97703A
Product: NEW Product number: 97703A Temperature limiter for HL90 units, intended for use in commercial vehicles catalog number 97703A, 97703B...
Product: NEW Product number: 82451A, 1318053A Sealing cord of the HL90 24V generator for use in commercial vehicles catalog number 82451A, 1318053A...
Product: NEW Product number: 1316886A Description: rear wall of the HL90 air unit...
Product: NEW Product number: 1316885A, 33359A Cover - jacket of the HL90 24V generator - application: commercial vehicles catalog number 1316885A, 33359A...
Product: NEW Product number: 465674, 1319443A Magnetic valve- cewka SAM 20/50 24V - 5 WAT numer katalogowy 465674...
Magnetic valve HL9511, HL9512 388793
Product: NEWProduct number: 388793 Heating magnetic valve HL9511, HL9512 number 388793 , 24V-4W...
Variant: NEW Product number: 1316890A Fuel inlet pipe for HL90 24V generators, for use in commercial vehicles...
HL90 air intake housing 1316891A
Variant: NEW Product number: 1316891A Air intake housing for HL90 24V generators, use in commercial vehicles...
Product: NEW Product number: 82531A Clutch for HL90 units, for use in commercial vehicles catalog number 82531A, 82531B The price given is for 1 piece - the above photo shows a complete clutch consisting of two clutches...
Variant: NEW Product number: 34531A, 1320850A 1.8 Ohm resistor for HL90 24V generators, for use in commercial vehicles...
Product: NEW Product number: 33094A Fuel atomizer in HL90 units for use in commercial vehicles catalog number 33094A...
HL90 24V generator engine 9024066A
Product: NEW Product number: 9024066A, 63111A Engine for HL90 24V generators, for use in commercial vehicles catalog number 9024066A, 9024066B...
Product: NEW Product number: 20200A Rear cover of the HL90 24V unit on the air exhaust side, for use in commercial vehicles catalog number 20200A ...
Product: NEW Product number: HL 90 Application: Special purpose commercial vehicles...
Product: NEW Product number: 381780 Heating motor HL 6511,6512 /9511/9512 - catalog number 381780...
Product: NEW Product number: 470732, 122742 Application - Webasto heating units...
Glow plug resistor HL90 1316892A
Variant: NEW Product number: 1316892A Glow plug resistor for HL90 24V generators, for use in commercial vehicles...