Ogrzewanie produkcji Spheros - Valeo DBW2020/DBW300/DBW350 SENSORIC 24V oraz 12V, moc grzewcza -20 kW 30KW PON
Zastosowanie - pojazdy autobusowe takich marek jak Autosan, Jelcz, Ikarus, Man, Mercedes, Scania, Neoplan, solaris, Bova, Daf oraz w pojazdach szynowych, cysternach, wozach strazackich, pojazdach mleczarskich i w innych pojazdach użytkowych.
Product: NEWProduct number: 350.427, (350427), 1320544A Air inlet nr kat. 350.427 use: heating DBW 2020 ...
Product: NEWProduct number: 286.354, (286354), 1319337A Heating's case nr kat. 286.354 use: heating DBW2020 ...
Product: NEW CLoutch DBW nr kat. 397563 use: heating DBW2020
Feature: new Combustion chamber nr kat. 464.333 use: heater DBW2020
Conductor's element blocking 362115
Product: NEWProduct number: 362115 Conductor's element blocking nr kat. 362.115 use: heating DBW2020 ...
Variant: NEW Product number: 111375 Connector - Webasto fuel line, part no. 111375 application: DW 230/300/350, DBW 2020/300/350, DBW2010/2012...
Product: NEWProduct number: 103512, (103512Z), 1320524A Console nr kat. 103.512 use: heating DBW 2020...
Product: NEW Product number: 270903, 1319330A Application: in DBW2020/300/350/470 and DBW SENSORIC 2020/300/350 units ...
Product: NEW Product number: 288993, 1319703A Application: in DBW2020/300/350/470 and Sensoric DBW2020/300/350 heating units...
DBW 388807 ignition spark generator
Product: NEW Product number: 388.807, (388807), 1319390A Ignition spark generator - 12V ignition coilApplication: heating DBW 2020/300/350...
DBW 404918Z generator cable seal
Product: NEW Product number: 404918, 1321118A Application - for insulation of high voltage cables in ignition spark generators of aggregates DBW 2020/300/350/470 and SENSORIC DBW2020/300/350...
Product: NEW Product number: 463019, 1319436A WEBASTO heating fuel pipe catalog number 463019 Application in DBW2020/300/350 and DBW2020/300/350 SENSORIC heating units...
Product: NEW Product number: 464155, 1319437A WEBASTO heating fuel line Application: in DBW2020/300/350 and DBW2020/300/350 SENSORIC heating units...
DBW and Thermo fuel line holder; 360112
Product: NEW Product number: 360112, 1320038A Application - in DBW2020/300/350 heating units and Sensoric DBW2020/300/350...
DBW2020 shaft repair kit 378321
Product: NEW Product number: 378.321, (378321), 152056, 50378321A Webasto DBW 2020 shaft repair kit...
Exhaust gas outlet elbow fi71 465380 DBW2020/300/350
Product: NEW Product number: 465380, 1319441A Exhaust gas outlet elbow, diameter 71, 90-degree angle, manufactured by Webasto, number Application: DBW2020, DBW300,DBW350 heating units...
Product: NEW Product number: 140708Z, 1319291A Fuel filter set. Webasto for water heating Thermo 230/300/350, DW 230/300/350, DBW 2020/300/350/470...
Flame sensor shield DBW2020/300/350 Sensoric 88772A
Product: NEW Product number: 88772A, 88772B Flame sensor shield DBW2020/300/350 SENSORIC - 88772A, 88772B Application: DBW2020/300/350 SENSORIC diesel heating in bus vehicles: DAF, SCANIA, IVECO, MERCEDES, JELCZ, AUTOSAN, NEOPLAN and other special structures...
Fuel filter connection elements 219495Z
Product: NEW Product number: 219495Z, 1320539A Application: THERMO 230/300/350, DW230/300/350, DBW 2020/300/350/470, DBW 2020/300/350 SENSORIC heating units used in buses, railbuses and other special structures...
Fuel high-pressure nozzle 470716
Product : NEWProduct number : 470716 Fuel high-pressure nozzle 0,65 - 470716Cross :1319452A, 2710234B, 01203436, 197681, 2710234B, 2863059, 3555927 use: heating DBW2020 ...
Fuel High-pressure nozzle 470724
Product : NEWProduct number: 470724 Fuel high-pressure nozzle to Thermo heating 300 Webasto 470724 Cross : 1319453A , 2710235B, 470724, 1319452A, 1319452, 01200088, 04060000013, 1314738A, 1319535A, 1890818, 197699, 21501504, 3555950, 47072, 85105016 use : heating Thermo 300 ...
Fuel lines for the Webasto DBW unit, set.
Product: NEW Product number: cable 35213A + cable 352144 1320851A+1319370A Heating cables (set with seals) WEBASTO DBW 2020/300/350 and DBW 2020/300/350 SENSORIC ...