Heatings - Webasto, Eberspaecher

Heating DBW 2012 12V Webasto

Heating DBW 2012 12V Webasto

Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: DBW 2012; 12V Heating power 11.6KW Fuel consumption: 1.3 kg/h Dimensions: 584 x 205 x 228 Application: bus vehicles - AUTOSAN, JELCZ, NEOPLAN, SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, MERCEDES ... and - rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire trucks and other structures.   Deposit - PLN 600 For heating units overhauled - regenerated in our plant, only original components and repair kits from global manufacturers of heating units are used. At the same time, each unit is subjected to multiple tests to check the correct operation of the device on a specialized stand for testing heating units, which ensures high quality and warranty for our customers. a service well performed. We encourage you to use our services....

net: €740.74
(gross: €911.11 )
Heating DBW 2012 24V Webasto

Heating DBW 2012 24V Webasto

Product: REMANUFACTURED Product number: DBW 2012; 24V   Heating power 11.6KW Fuel consumption: 1.3 kg/h Dimensions: 584 x 205 x 228 Application: bus vehicles - AUTOSAN, JELCZ, NEOPLAN, SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, MERCEDES ... and - rail vehicles, dairy vehicles, tankers, fire trucks and other structures.   Deposit - PLN 600 For heating units overhauled - regenerated in our plant, only original components and repair kits from global manufacturers of heating units are used. At the same time, each unit is subjected to multiple tests to check the correct operation of the device on a specialized stand for testing heating units, which ensures high quality and warranty for our customers. a service well performed. We encourage you to use our services....

net: €740.74
(gross: €911.11 )
Heat exchanger 19974A DW300/350

Heat exchanger 19974A DW300/350

Product : NEWProduct number : 19974A; 9810029A Heat exchanger DW230/300/350 numer kat. 19974A...

net: €650.00
(gross: €799.50 )
Ogrzewanie DW300 Webasto 24V

Ogrzewanie DW300 Webasto 24V

Product : REMANUFACTUREDProduct number: DW 300  24V ; moc grzewcza 30KW - zmodernizowanyZastosowanie  : pojazdy autobusowe- AUTOSAN, JELCZ, MAN, SCANIA, VOVLO, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, VAN-HOOL, MERCEDES ...oraz - pojazdy szynowe, pojazdy mleczarkie, cysterny, wozy  strażackie i inne zabudowy Do agregatów grzewczych remontowanych - regenerowanych w naszym zakladzie stosuje się tylko i wyłącznie oryginalne podzespoły i zestawy naprawcze światowych producentów agregatów  grzewczych jednocześnie każdy agregat  jest poddawany wielokrotnym testom sprawdzajacym prawidłowe działanie urządzenia na specjalistycznym stanowisku do testowania agregatów grzewczych, co zapewnia naszym kilentom wysoką jakośc i gwarancję dobrze wykonanej usługi. Zachęcamy do skorzystania z naszych usług.    ...

net: €694.45
(gross: €854.17 )
Dmuchawa Thermo Pro 50  9027117D

Dmuchawa Thermo Pro 50 9027117D

Wariant: NOWYNumer wyrobu : 9027117DDmuchawa, silnik do agregatów Thermo Pro 50  24V  zastosowanie pojazdy użytkowenumer  katalogowy  9027117D, 9027117C...

net: €690.82
(gross: €849.71 )
Electronic control unit SG1580 24V Air-Top 3500ST 9006821A

Electronic control unit SG1580 24V Air-Top 3500ST 9006821A

Product : NEWProduct number : 9006821A  Kaseta sterująca - sterownik agregatu grzewczego Air-Top 3500ST produkcji WEBASTO o numerze katalogowym 9006821A...

net: €616.97
(gross: €758.87 )
SG1580 control box, Air-Top 3500, 9006824A

SG1580 control box, Air-Top 3500, 9006824A

Product: NEW Product number:9006824A, 97990C Control cassette of the Air-Top 3500 12V heating unit manufactured by Webasto with catalog number 9006824A, 97990C...

net: €616.97
(gross: €758.87 )
Central control unit SG1561 ; 87089A

Central control unit SG1561 ; 87089A

Original Producer number: SG1561; 87089A

net: €600.49
(gross: €738.60 )
Thermo 90ST heating engine; 9005928A

Thermo 90ST heating engine; 9005928A

Product: NEW Product number: 9005928A, 1322919B Motor - blower of the Thermo 90St heating unit, catalog number 9005928 - 24V...

net: €572.68
(gross: €704.40 )
Heating exchanger DBW2010 SENSORIC 105748

Heating exchanger DBW2010 SENSORIC 105748

Product: NEW Product number: 105748, 1322498A DBW 2010 SENSORIC heating heat exchanger, heating power: 11.6 kW Application - bus and truck vehicles - SCANIA, MERCEDES, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, DAF, KAPENA, SOLBUS, AUTOSAN SOLINA and others...

net: €557.23
(gross: €685.39 )
Heating exchanger DBW 2010 415073

Heating exchanger DBW 2010 415073

Product: NEW Product number: 415073, 1322498A DBW 2010 heating heat exchanger with heating power of 11.6 kW Application - bus and truck vehicles - SCANIA, MERCEDES, NEOPLAN, SOLARIS, DAF, KAPENA, SOLBUS, AUTOSAN SOLINA and others...

net: €557.23
(gross: €685.39 )
DBW 300 heating head - 1300477B

DBW 300 heating head - 1300477B

Product: NEW Product number:1300477B - complete head Application: DBW300 and DBW2020 heating head set. Webasto is used in bus vehicles and other special-purpose structures...

net: €601.85
(gross: €740.28 )
Webasto Air-Top 2000ST 24V heating

Webasto Air-Top 2000ST 24V heating

Product: NEW Product number: AT2000ST Heating unit - parking heating AIR-TOP 2000 ST - 24V with installation kit Application - commercial vehicles SCANIA, MAN, VOLVO, MERCEDES, IVECO ......  and used in special structures...

net: €597.22
(gross: €734.58 )
SG1577 control box; 24V Thermo 90; 9011405A

SG1577 control box; 24V Thermo 90; 9011405A

Product : NEW Product number: 9011405A Control cassette - controller of the Thermo 90St heating unit, catalog number 9011405A - 24V...

net: €528.39
(gross: €649.92 )
SG1577 control box; 24V Thermo 90 ; 9011399A

SG1577 control box; 24V Thermo 90 ; 9011399A

Product : NEW Product number: 9011399A Control cassette - controller of the Thermo 90St heating unit, catalog number 9011399A - 24V...

net: €518.09
(gross: €637.25 )
SG1577 control box; 12V Thermo 90 ; 9011398A

SG1577 control box; 12V Thermo 90 ; 9011398A

Product : NEW Product number: 9011398A, 1303343A Control cassette - controller of the Thermo 90St heating unit, catalog number 9011398A - 12V...

net: €508.82
(gross: €625.85 )
Kaseta sterująca SG1577  Thermo 90 ; 9011404A

Kaseta sterująca SG1577 Thermo 90 ; 9011404A

Product: NEWProduct number: 9011404AKaseta sterująca - sterownik agregatu grzewczego Thermo 90St numer katalogowy 9011404A - 12V...

net: €508.82
(gross: €625.85 )
Thermo 90 90215A 24V heating motor

Thermo 90 90215A 24V heating motor

Product: NEW Product number: 90215A, Thermo 90 heating motor application: Thermo 90 diesel water heating used in vehicles: DAF, SCANIA, IVECO, MERCEDES Catalog number: 90215A...

net: €506.76
(gross: €623.31 )
Electronic control unit Webasto SG1553

Electronic control unit Webasto SG1553

Product: NEWProduct number: 306.07B, 9023418A, SG1553, 30607A,( KS50)   Central control unit Webasto SG 1553 24V nr kat. 30607B use: heating DBW 2020, 2010  ...

Central control unit SG1563 89575B

Central control unit SG1563 89575B

Product: NEWProduct number: 895.75B Central control unit SG1563Webastofolder number 895.75B heating aggregate : DBW2020 S, DBW300 S, DBW350 S (Sensoric) ...

net: €492.00
(gross: €605.16 )
Central control unit SG1569 24V TRS 37995B

Central control unit SG1569 24V TRS 37995B

Product: NEWProduct number: 37995B Central control unit to aggregate heating  Thermo90 24V TRS use : water heating Thermo 90 diesel ,petrol use in vehicles : DAF, SCANIA, IVECO, MERCEDES Folder number : 37995B, 37995C...

net: €540.00
(gross: €664.20 )
SG1574 87461B control box

SG1574 87461B control box

Product: NEW Product number: 87451B; 87461B, 1323325A Control cassette - controller manufactured by WEBASTO, catalog number 87461B; 87451B ; 12V Application - AIR-TOP 2000 unit - in passenger and delivery vehicles and buses of such brands as: MERCEDES, IVECO, RENAULT and other commercial vehicles and special-purpose structures...

net: €473.80
(gross: €582.77 )